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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Shannon O'Connor <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 3 Oct 2003 15:11:12 -0400
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Shannon O'Connor <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

 It has taken me awhile to write up a summary, because a lot of people were
downright rude and discouraged me from contacting the listserve again.
However, about the same number of people wrote in to tell me that they had
been wondering the same thing and would like to see the responses I
received.  So this is for them.
 Out of the 20 people who wrote to me, only three provided actual
references! Thank you very much to the three of you.

Available at PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/):

·         Risk of malignancy in patients with celiac disease

·         Risk of duodenal adenoma in celiac disease

·         Small bowel neoplasia in celiac disease

·         Primary small-bowel malignancy in the UK (and probably others of


·         Conversations in a Cell – Gary Taubes, Discover Feb 1996, Vol 17

·         Not for the faint of heart – Drs Horvath & Fasano,

A lot of you said listen to your doctor – problem is my doctors are all
still fighting over what exactly is wrong with me.  I stumbled onto the GF
diet and it seemed to work for me, so I kind of diagnosed myself. (now I’m
also in a new city and don’t have a doctor)

Another said that after 5 years of being GF your risks of complications
decrease – that I can relate to!  Since being on the diet, I seem to be
getting less and less sensitive to gluten as my gut heals. Others also had
the same reaction.

An email that appeared on the listserve soon after mine hit a chord with
me.  He stated that "the hidden gluten this news group is so worried about
is just about always in processed foods.  Those foods generally are
high-fat and not heart-healthy.  If you eliminate them, you don't have to
worry about hidden gluten."  I agree wholeheartedly!  This is exactly the
diet that I have been following for over a year and a half now.  My friends
joke that I spend about one-third of time sleeping and the other third in
the kitchen, and I love it (both the labour and the results).  But the fact
is, with all of the things I'm intolerant to (i.e. dairy, raw fruits &
vegetables, mango, etc.) it becomes very limiting.  So every once in
awhile, I want a piece of my grandmother's white cake. I'm not an
irresponsible idiot who thinks she's invisible (despite some of your
comments).  My family is at risk for other forms of cancer, and what I've
learned through that is not to live in fear your entire
 life, but to LIVE!

My two cents, Shannon

Sorry to those of you who were kind, helpful and understanding.  I truly
appreciate your help.  I'm not usually this angry, but you wouldn't believe
some of the emails I received.  Thanks again

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