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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 May 2004 13:47:29 -0500
text/plain (172 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

THANKS so much to all who responded. It seems that a lot of us have this
undiagnosed or diagnosed pain in the lower right quadrant area....near the
ovaries I guess...Some men even responded they had pain in the lower area
as well..so you never know! I had a huge amount of replies, and a number of
people asked for a summary, so here are a number of the replies I got:

Have they checked for ovarian cysts?  endometriosis?   I had/have pain in
the same area and it turned out to be adhesions from past gyn surgeries.

Have you ever insisted on getting an x-ray and/or MRI scan on that area to
see what it is? That would certainly be the thing to do if you can afford
it or have insurance. And my advice to you is that I would demand the
doctors to do this if they keep saying it is all in your head. (sometimes
you just cannot be nice to your doctors to get what you want!)


I complained for 10 years about my stomach pain and after many, many
doctors, no advice or bad advice and no testing and them saying it was all
in my head... then after the celiac diagnoses (which I also demanded they
do) did they find out that I had GERD so bad that I now have Barrett's
Esophagus (pre-cancer stage of Esophageal cancer)
I am not trying to scar you, but the point is sometimes you must insist on
getting what you want out of the doctors.


I was beginning, for several months, to get similar pain (but much less
intense), off and on, before going GF several years ago. It decreased and
then disappeared as I remember, and returned only once when I accidentally
got a good dose of gluten. To me it definitely seemed connected to gluten.
As for the colonoscopy, the prep is the worst, do not plan any other
activities for the same time. I wasn't aware of the procedure itself once
it started. As I was coming out of it, I wondered when were they going to
get started, and was surprised it was already finished. I'm probably not
celiac but do have the gene for gluten sensitivity.


i heard from a co-worker that she was finally diagnosed with an
ovarian cyst the size of a sports ball; this was after a long time of
many doctors, many visits without even a physical exam; finally a
willing to take an x-ray, and finally a correct diagnosis.
 of course, they had insinuated that it was "imaginary", also.


Have you been checked for an inflammatory bowel disease, particularly
disease? In Crohn's disease the pain is eventually localized in the
right quadrant and is chronic- as you said some 20+ years. Your
symptoms sound a
lot like it, common clinical manifestations are abdominal pain, cramps
due to
thickened bowel walls or diarrhea. It usually begins at a younger age
ages 20-30years. Just thought I'd throw out that idea to you.


You are not alone with the right side pain - or as I like to call it my
imaginary pain that I have had for 10+ years with the exact same
you descibe. It's always IBS they say but I don't buy it. They always
to prescribe antidepressants which I am leary on taking. I excerise and
gluten free for 4 years. I do find consolation that I am not alone and
crazy by myself. I have spoke with other people with the same thing and
have not found an answer either.  If you find an answer, I am eager to


don't mean to alarm you, but I also had lower right quadrant pain for
over 20 years.  I was also never diagnosed with celiac, but it is
to all of my doctors and they said I don't need a test.

Anway, it turns out that I had a bladder tumor.  It was discovered
my primary care provider made me have an ultrasound to check for
cysts and they found the tumor.  My GI doc said it was impossible to
anything serious for over 20 years or I'd be dead, so it's hard to know
what the relationship was to that right quadrant pain, but it's
that without the tumor, the pain is completely gone.

I am just writing to suggest an ultrasound might be a good idea if you
not already had one.


Endometriosis might not show up on any standard gynecological tests.  I
had endometriosis that had wrapped itself around the bowel causing a
serious constriction and terrible pains.  I finally realized the pain
fairly cyclical - worse at certain times of the month.  When I finally
had surgery, they thought I had cancer, but the endometriosis was so
that I needed not only a total hysterectomy but also a bowel resection.
By the way in the process of diagnosing this I had a barium enema and a
sigmoidoscopy, both of which caused excrutiating pain because of the
bowel constriction.


Sounds like you  might have Endometrosis.  Have your Gynecologists give
you  a Endoscopy.  You can have mild sedation as you will have for your
colonoscopy.  You can in addition have a spinal block, only for your


Sounds a bit suspicious for carcinoid. You had better have your doctor
order a standard 24 hour urine for 5HIAA to start. Your symptoms are
classic for carcinoid given that you cannot tolerate anesthesia, type of
pain and etc. This is a disease that needs thorough work up. Often
times Celiac is the diagnosis but carcinoid provides the same diarrhea like


Sometimes people with GI problems have other health issues.

If you have vulvar pain you might have vulvar vestibulitis and
Women with these conditions sometimes have other pain such as abdominal
and back pain.

Skin conditions such as lichen sclerosus (LS) can also cause pain. So
urinary conditions such as intersistial cystitis.

You might want to read The V Book by Elizabeth G. Stewart, M.D. and The
Vulvodynia Survival Guide by Howard I. Glazer.

As you have already figured out, there are many factors that can
increase or
decrease pain, including diet, exercise, stretching, stress, etc. This
sound odd, but some people find relief from pain and muscle tension
they use a light-force therapy machine. You can buy Light-Force Therapy
machines through www.light-force-therapy.com The DIO Light-Force
machine is also sold through www.drlark.com


 I forgot to mention that uterine fibroids,ovarian cycts, endometriosis,
hormone imbalances, and cancer can also causepain

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *