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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 12 Sep 2004 12:15:56 +0200
text/plain (39 lines)
>First, does anyone know why someone is prone to get fatty cells under the
skin?  They can be as small as a hazelnut or as big as a lemon.
>Also, is there anything that can be done to prevent them from forming?
>Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Interestingly enough there is some research going on about the AD-36 virus. A
physician in the USA claims that this virus which originates as a flu-virus
has mutated. Even in such a way that people once having been with it infected
have more chance to get fat. Around 15 percent of obese people have
anti-bodies to the virus as an indiction they have been exposed. Testpersons
of normal weight (as in average) or underweight have shown no antobodies to
Last night while i coldn't sleep there was a documentary on National Geografic
about it. The fatcells we all have seem to be "filled" up due to the virus.
Yhat's the best way I can explain it.
Funnily enough an identical twin took part in the experiment, one a typical
teen, all arms and legs and a normal posture, the other somewhat more chubby.
The thinner one was tested negative, her twinsister positive for AD-36.

The other thing is I've always learned that fatcells are formed during
infancy. Fat kids make fat adults or so the saying goes. Does anyone know more
about this and how Paleo could affect children? I unfortunately discovered
Paleo when my son was already in his teens. He is not overweight though but I
am. He however reacts strongly in other ways to no-no foods.


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