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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 22 Aug 2004 20:23:35 +0200
text/plain (56 lines)
>===== Original Message From Paleolithic Eating Support List
<[log in to unmask]> =====
>> Um well... actually it would matter a great deal if you think of you or
>> your offspring in a broken down system. To find out the mechanism of growth
>I think you've jumped into the middle of a thread here. I was replying to a
>post which suggested that we have already exceeded the earths human carrying
>capacity. I was asking how this was possible, given that the human population
>is rapidly expanding.

That's exactly my point, we are expanding at the cost of future generations.
With depletion of resources and borrowing from what is meant to sustain us
over a much longer period of time this expantion is exceding human carrying
Vegetables for instance available in supermarkets are forced out of the ground
with artificial fertiliser, kept under 24 hours a day artificial light and is
far from natural. Here in Holland we have the centre for vegetables, fruits
and flowers that are being sold and bought throughout the world in a town
called Aalsmeer. Strangely enough pineapples from Africa are shipped here to
be sold the the US for instance. If you walk into that place it stinks of all
the pesticides used on our foods. What would happen if this distributionsystem
would fail?
Even if all the food in the world would be distributed evenly we would still
be living on borrowed time. It takes more energy to grow and transport things
than is put back in the system.
It's like taking money out of the bank while there is less coming in each
month. Now the bank is willing to let us get away with it because they charge
interest. Up to the point where we might not pay back at all and would be
filed for bankrupty. It seems to me that our planet is heading towards a
bankrupty faster than I can type.
So the expanding human population which has indeed not come to a hold yet has
in fact exceeded the carrying capacity. Hence my worry about me and my
offspring stranded in a broken down system that cannot fix itself.
Let's not forget that any time a major catastrophy happened the people that
survived bounced back relying on the skills they had. We (in the western world
at least) seem to have lost most of those skills and would not be able to fend
for ourselves.
Plus pollution is so bad I wouldn't happily start growing a vegetablepatch
just anywhere.
A wise person said a while ago that the next wars will be about water. He is
already right, in Africa people fight over clean drinkingwater today. Not just
because their climate is changing, simply because they are with so many more
then ever before, driven out of their original way of living. If before a
climate would change people would migrate to follow the seasons, herds,
climate etc. Now that's just impossible...
Here in Europe we have disputes about the rights to water as well. Why? Just
because we are with so many many more than earth can sustain.


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