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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Bruce Kleisner <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Sep 2003 21:08:43 -0400
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
<Jim Swayze>

> Bruce > I don't avoid food just because some minority
> reacts badly or believes we haven't "adapted" to it.
> You've gotta use your head, it's true.

The paleo diet provides a good place to start. But
it also has inexcusable errors and omissions.

> > Some claim (without evidence)that we haven't adapted
> to RAW, unpasteurized, unheated dairy products.
> And some claim (without evidence) that we have. What's
> your reasoning?

That raw milk has the same qualities as other animal
foods. It adds variety to our diets and has very few
of the problems seen with processed milk.

> You can't have milk without domestication.  And, as
> Ray says, can you imagine trying to milk a wild animal?

We can't get honey (regularly) without domesticating
bees. Does that prove we shouldn't eat it? Could we
have hunted effectively without domesticating dogs?
Domestication provides us with yet another arbitrary
qualification. But unless you eat only wild animals,
how can you argue this consistently?

> > Many tribes have thrived on diets based heavily
> on RAW dairy and saturated fat.
> Perhaps. But you still haven't answered the question
> whether it was the BECAUSE of the dairy consumption
> or DESPITE it.

Can you answer whether paleo tribes achieved a high
level of health because of paleo or despite it?

> > Loren Cordain, S. Boyd Eaton, and numerous other
> paleo theorists claim saturated fats are harmful...
> Agreed. I've been following Dr. Cordain's theories --
> and mostly ignoring Ray Audette's -- for a couple of
> years now.

You mean following Audette's theories and ignoring
Cordain's, don't you? However, Audette often falls
for the same nonsense put out by Cordain.

> By and large, Cordain's ideas
> do not work because they blend paleo theory with modern-
> day nutritional fallacies. (Most notably that saturated
> fats are to be avoided). I am coming back around to the
> realization that Ray is right. He's unscientific at
> times and amateur. And right.

The same applies to Cordain. He used to argue that
humans evolved as vegetarians. Now he's jumped on
the paleo bandwagon. His own papers show that the
low protein content of the modern diet causes high
cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, and triglycerides. Yet he
still repeats the mainstream lie that cholesterol
and saturated fat clog our arteries. Someone needs
to tell the truth: junk carbs and junk fats (most
vegetable oils) do the damage.

> > Look at food objectively. Ignore the flawed, biased,
> and incomplete advice put out by pseudo-scientists, junk
> scientists, and food companies.
> Again, Ray's a pseudo-scientist. And I'm convinced that
> every word of Neanderthin is right. Do not rely upon
> science as much as your own intuition, experience, and
> reasoning.

Ray falters in a few places. He argues for an all-raw
diet, then claims we need food irradiation to make raw
eggs and meat "safe" to eat. Research on animals shows
that irradiated food is NOT healthy or safe. Exposing
food to radiation causes cancer, sterility, chromosome
damage, and mutation in those that eat it. Irradiation
is yet another ploy to sell us low-quality, dirty, un-
fresh, toxic, and disease-causing food.

He also contradicts himself on whether to eat fat meat
or lean game and grass-fed meat. Perhaps grass-fed and
grain-fed are trade-offs, as are most things in life...
Without doubt, lean meat is deficient and unhealthy by
itself. Eating plant-based fats to compensate for lean
meat just creates other problems.