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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Jun 2003 15:49:16 +0200
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Fye Samateh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (245 lines)
To all supporters of the children killers in the west afruican sub region

the neo-colonian reactionary regime have once again demonstrated its real 
class nature by aiding one of africa`s most deformed criminal and violators 
of the  rights to human life in the west african sun region.he exchape with 
the help of his kind in ghana but history will surely teach him and his 
ghanian  lfriends  a lesson as the struggle of the african people continues.

May the spirits of the late herioc african punish the criminal killers and 
their supports

>From: "Germaine Verdier" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
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>Subject: [Network Africa Sweden] Ghana stands up to the UN and Averts the 
>West African Conflict from spreading to
>Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 19:57:51 +0000
>Ghana stands up to the UN and Averts the West African Conflict from
>spreading to Ghana
>By Ciata Victor 6/4/03
>On Wednesday June 4th, the news that President Charles Taylor of Liberia 
>been indicted and a warrant was issued for his arrest in Ghana where he
>traveled to attended the Akosombo peace talks, hit the International press
>and cause panic amongst Liberians around the world.
>It is my opinion that International organizations that set themselves up to
>police, monitor, aid and report on human rights abuses around the world
>should not be in the business of setting traps for participants invited to
>attend and discuss resolutions for peace.
>The move by the UN backed Sierra Leone Special Court to issue and serve  an
>arrest warrant to President Taylor this morning in Accra, Ghana was a bad
>decision that could have thrown Ghana into the ever widening West African
>conflict and cause additional hardships for the thousands of Liberian
>refugees living in Ghana, in addition to the effects it would have had on
>Liberians in Ghana, the good citizens of Ghana living and working in
>Liberia,  would have found themselves trapped in Liberia in life 
>situations with very little outside help to get them out.
>Fortunately for West Africa, the Ghanaians had the good sense and insight 
>literally ignore the UN backed warrant and made no attempt to arrest
>President Charles Taylor of Liberia. There are people like former U.S.
>Ambassador David Schaffer who are disappointed about Ghana's failure in
>arresting Taylor, but by Ghana standing up and saying "NO" to another bad
>decision offered by the west, as a solution to an African problem, they
>averted chaos from entering their city and did not allowed themselves to be
>drawn into a conflict with a people they have no bad blood with.
>In 1990, Liberians witness their President Samuel Doe tricked into 
>by ECOMOG, the so-call peace keepers of the time, only to be captured,
>tortured and killed by Prince Johnson, whom they knew were waiting for Doe
>at the Freeport.  The popular idea at the time was that if they could get
>Doe out of the way, peace will come to Liberia.
>In the thirteen years since the Freeport - ECOMOG fiasco, we've learned 
>getting rid of one of the troublemakers does not bring peace to our 
>   When Doe was captured and killed, the war intensified and went on for 
>years after his death.  When it was over in 1996, and Liberia counted its
>loses, 300,000 thousands Liberians were dead, more then a million were
>displaced in refugee camps around the world. The infrastructure of our
>country had been looted by the very peacekeepers who where there to keep 
>and order.  They shipped off, turbines and other heavy equipment from our
>power plants, steel electric poles and electric wires that once lit our
>streets, pumping stations that once serviced our cities and towns, railway
>tracks that serviced our nation,  roofs from houses that were the homes of
>Liberians who were now drifting around Liberia and the world as homeless
>The question now becomes what are they up to? Is it really Charles Taylor
>they want?  With war in Liberia, war in Sierra Leone, war in Ivory Coast 
>political violence in Nigeria, it seems that they have turned their
>attention to destabilizing Ghana next. Why else would they ask the
>Ghanaians,  a neighbor, a friend, a country that opened it's doors to
>thousands of Liberians seeking refuge from the conflict, to arrest the
>President of a  sovereign state on their soil?  Did anyone consider the
>effects the arrest of Taylor in Ghana would have on the region?   Did 
>asked how Liberians in Ghana would react to the arrest of their president 
>Ghanaian police or soldiers?  Did anyone asked what would happened to
>Ghanaians inside of Liberia when the news of Taylor's arrest reach Liberia?
>It seems not, because if these key consequences had been considered, Former
>US Ambassador David Scheffer, would not have expressed disappointment over
>Taylor not being arrested, his expression of disappointment only proves 
>they do not have the interest of Africa at heart and that they are at the
>root of the conflict in West Africa.
>If former US Ambassador David Scheffer,  is so concerned with stopping
>Charles Taylor, why didn't he insist that the U.S. arrest Taylor in 1990
>when they had the perfect opportunity?  If the UN and David Scheffer are so
>concerned about the welfare and safety of West Africans in the region, why
>didn't they submit a request and lobby the US congress in 1990 to the have
>the 2000 U.S. Marines that were sitting on  ships off  Liberian Coast, to
>arrest Taylor and all the other warlords (the very same group of people who
>are fighting in 2003)? Instead the the US government took the position that
>they had no interest in Liberia, therefore they could not ask their sons 
>daughters to fight and die to save Liberia.  They had no interest in saving
>Liberia, but they had enough interest to sit on the sidelines and watch
>Liberia implode before taking off for the middle east, to fight George Bush
>Sr. 1990 War with Iraq?   Just imagine the pain, death, suffering, hardship
>and destruction they would have saved Liberia and the entire West African
>region had they intervene then!
>The international press would like us to believe that the directive for the
>arrest of Taylor came from Sierra Leone.  All West Africans know that 
>Leone, not in it's wildest dream would think off, plan and attempt to
>enforced a warrant against Charles Taylor in Ghana.  The move this morning
>by the UN-Backed court accomplished several things,
>1. The organization further invalidated it's role in Africa as 
>2. The issuing of the warrant to be enforced at that venue, that they 
>organized, sent a signal to every African Leader that the UN calls and 
>to be our peacemakers, are nothing more then tricks to trap us and cause
>more destabilizing problems in the region.
>3. They demonstrated to the world that they do not have the interest of 
>Africa at heart
>4. They either want to gave Africans the impression that they have 
>Kofie Annan or that he has indeed become their puppet.
>When I read  the news of what was happening in Ghana, I could not 
>how such a directive come from the UN, an organization that is being headed
>not only by a black man, but a son of Africa and a son of Ghana. Did Kofie
>Annan not know the risk the organization pose to his country and the region
>by issuing that warrant to be enforced on Ghana soil?  As the head of the
>organization responsible for this fiasco, Kofie Annan owes Ghana, Liberia
>and all of West Africa an explanation.  If the explanation does not come, 
>will only assumed that that he has indeed been puppetize and he will join
>the UN in losing their validity in the region.
>It is good that Great Britain was able to restore peace to Sierra Leone and
>continue to do what they can to maintain peace.  It is fantastic, that the
>French are attempting to restore peace to Ivory Coast.   Sierra Leone and
>Ivory Coast, Liberia envies you, because there are people in the world who
>have taken interest in your welfare and are making real attempts to stop 
>madness. However, if Great Britain, France and other international bodies
>want lasting peace in the region , they should be aware, that as long they
>and the world continue this hands of approach to helping Liberia, while
>spending their effort and resources on accusing Charles Taylor of
>destabilizing West Africa, while they at the same time are  destabilizing
>Liberia, by supporting and providing rebel groups with arms, there will be
>no end to the conflict in Liberia and West Africa.
>The popular idea and approach of today's  International Organizations and
>Foreign powers is that if they got rid of Charles Taylor peace will come to
>Liberia and West Africa.  Liberians know better.  Our knowledge and
>experience from our recent past tells us, the Mandingoes and the Khrans 
>not come together and work together after Charles Taylor is gone, for the
>betterment of Liberia.  If working together was their intention, they would
>have exemplified UNITY by remaining one organization under the umbrella of
>LURD, instead of  splitting into twin terrors (LURD & MODEL) that are now
>fighting each other and government troops while they  ravage and attack
>Liberia and Liberians from all side.
>In West Africa, there is an old saying "the baby that says mama will not
>sleep, the baby itself will not sleep."  If the International community
>wants peace in West Africa, they must come up with a plan that will work 
>all countries involved in the conflict including Liberia.  As long as there
>is no peace in Liberia, there will be no peace in West Africa. If the West
>wants uninterrupted access to haul off West Africa's gold, diamond, ore,
>timber, sand, fish, oil and the other valuables they are trying so hard to
>destabilize us to control, they must make sure that we are not fighting 
>other and that all of West Africa is at peace.
>Thank you Ghana for having the guts to say no.  Liberia thanks you, west
>Africa thanks you.  If the UN or any other body wants to arrest Taylor, let
>them go into Liberia and get him, they should not set traps for our leaders
>in our neighbors countries for it will cause greater problems and hardship
>for the people of both nations, then the proposed solution could ever hope
>to solve.  If the UN was really serious about bringing peace and stability
>to the region, they would have issued three warrants on the morning of June
>4th 2003 to be served in Accra: one for Charles Taylor, one for the leaders
>of LURD and one for the leaders of MODEL, anything short of that is
>Bro. Germaine G. Verdier
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