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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 11 Nov 2003 22:30:21 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Celiac Friends,
Thank you to all who responded to my questions.  I pasted my original post
and it is followed by the summary.

Post Question:
I have been working with the Deacon at my Parish on what the options are for
my Celiac daughter who will take first communion in the spring of 2005.  I
have read the archives and done some research on finding a wafer made with
wheat starch produced in Europe.  I have read that in the U.S. it is not
recommended, but European Celiacs consume it.  Here are my questions:
       1.  Why would it be OK for a European Celiac to eat it but not an
             American?  Does it have to do with wheat starch produced in the
             versus Europe?
       2.  Have any of you tried or currently use these wafers?
       3.  One company in England will not ship out of the country.  Is there
             a reputable company that will ship to the U.S. and do you have
             information to reach them?

I thank you for your time.
Andrea in Minnesota


Reacted to wheat starch in Europe or to wafer=3

No reaction to CODEX wheat starch or to the wafer=3

Use this wafer=1
*German company named Hammer Muhle, the item is called backoblaten, sold in
packages of 100.  Address listed is Hammermuhle Diat GimbH     I'm checking to
find more information*

Recommended only taking the wine, or taking the wine in a separate Chalice=17
Takes wine, but not offered all of the time=1

Using the wafer by Ener-G Foods=20
Priest made "Pastoral Decision" to allow Ener-G wafer=1
*Some of these were from Catholics whose Priest allows, others were from
Protestant denominations, others didn't say.  I guess I should have explained that
Canon Law for Catholics states that the host MUST contain gluten to be
considered valid.  The Ener-g wafer is gluten free and therefore not considered
valid.  That is why I was trying to get more information regarding the CODEX wheat

Left the Catholic church because of it=2

Recommended making my own=3

Available at Dietary Specialties or Gluten Solutions=1

Decree to have wheat in host is papal, not biblical=1

Take very small piece of regular host and give rest to husband=1

Many replies spoke of the process they use at church:  place wafer in a pix
to be blessed on the altar, wrapping wafer in Saran wrap, going to receive wine
first to avoid contamination, going to separate chalice.

A few websites were recommended:
UK Coeliac Society  http://www.coeliac.co.uk/

A few had ideas about the CODEX wheat starch and why it is OK in Europe and
not US, usually stating they have less stringent requirements in Europe.  That
didn't really answer my question on if that is healthy or not.  Nobody from
Europe responded to that part of the question.  I still don't
understand...wouldn't a European celiac react to it the same way an American celiac would?

There were a few responses that didn't fit into the rest:  priest allows GF
host, that God will protect his children, that asked what Jesus would do in the
situation, gave the history of canon law, gave hope that things may change
within the church by then, and a couple that condemned me for even looking at
giving my kids something that may possibly harm them.

The search continues!  God Bless!
Andrea in MN

I hope

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the CELIAC List*