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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 3 Sep 2003 21:56:23 EDT
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi to the List,

   I hope everyone is well.

   Earlier in the year I was diagnosed with the sprue and went on the gluten
free diet. I am asymptomatic so it was especially hard for me to go on this
difficult diet. It took a few months of adjusting(and grieving) to finally get
used to my new lifestyle, but I finally feel that I conquered the gf diet.

   The other week I went for a physical at my gp's office. I really didn't
think too much of it since I look much better after going on the gf diet. I
actually lost weight and look good as opposed to others who gain a lot of weight.
I never gave my results a second moment's thought.

   This afternoon the call came in from my doctor's office saying my
cholesterol is up pretty high, that I have to change my diet, that they'll give me a
year, and if not I will have to go on medicine for that. I am quite young too.
I was absolutely stunned(and downtrodden of course).

    Is it common for folks with CD to end up with high cholesterol?( I didnt'
have my cholesterol checked last year so I dont have a basis of comparison,
but I remember in the past I had nothing to worry about cholesterol-wise).   I
would assume this is common since as we go on the gf diet our eating patterns
change so drastically? Lately I eat whatever I can as I feel my dietary world
is so restricted already.  Everyone says that we have to watch the gluten,
because we can end up with all sorts of stomach cancers, other autoimmune
diseases,etc. etc. , now we have to worry about having too much cholesterol and
having heart problems as well.... Anybody else have this experience?

    I think I need a few weeks' to absorb this information and then I will
start adjusting my diet again accordingly. I've had so many changes to deal with
in this year alone, my head is spinning!

    Thanks for any input anyone has,
    Amy Kravitz [log in to unmask]

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