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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 Sep 2003 23:38:43 -0400
Alan Mink <[log in to unmask]>
Daniel Quast <[log in to unmask]>, MCF <[log in to unmask]>, Tom Boyer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Alan Mink <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (139 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

  I thought this would be straight forward, it wasn't. The responses I
rcvd are below.
Overall inconclusive.

I called the company and they said all the ingedients are GF (starches
from corn),
but since they get a number of ingedients from 3rd parties they can't be
sure that
those ingedients are GF.

Thus one must use their own judgement, but based on the company's
position it must be catergoize as NOT GF.


Alleve is GF. So is Flonase.  And Zyrtec.

I don't find alleve in my gf medication handbook.  Perhaps Stokes
Pharmacy can help you.  They distribute the handbook I use.  And they've
helped me over the phone before even thought I don't live anywhere near
their pharmacy.  800 754 5222.  Best of luck.

Madison County

The last I heard, Alieve was NOT GF. I can't remember
where I saw that, though. For pain, I use a mixture of
prescriptions (Ultram and Voltaren).
Angela Taylor (Tulsa, Oklahoma)

last time I checked it was NOT gf.
Alleve is NOT gf.
Advil IS gf.
Confusing, isn't it?


My daughter and I pulled a listing of all medicines that are gluten free
about 2 months ago to place on my PDA so that when we are shopping we
can check them out.  Aleeve is listed on that listing as GF.  I use the
caplets and take 2 caplets daily to help with my arthritis pain.

Hope this helps.


I called the manufacturer of aleve last year and was told thst though it
has no suspect ingredients, they don't say it is GF because they
outsource some of the ingredients from outside vendors.

hope this helps,

susan in mA

Go to the web site:                   www.glutenfreedrugs.com

Mitzi from Michigan

yes it's GF


Dear Alan,
On May 15,2003 I posted a message  about "Dental Medications for Gum
Grafting Surgery". One of my recommended meds was Aleve. The Bayer
representative that I spoke to said Aleve has no added gluten,but they
the disclaimer that they couldn't guarantee it gluten-free in case of
cross-contamination issues. I called Bayer at 1800-395-0689. I took the
Aleve without incident,but you must decide what you feel comfortable with.

Jane in Southern California--where everyone but my dog are running for

http://www.glutenfreedrugs.com/list.htm  gives a list of GF drugs. Aleve
is included. However, Tums are also listed, but I saw in a recent post
that there is a good chance of cross-contamination in Tums, so it may be
best to check with the manufacturer.


Contact them yourself.......don't take anyone elses word for it.

I believe it is listed as GF on www.glutenfreedrugs.com
However, I have no idea how accurate the listing is, how often it is
updated, or even who does it or how to reach them.
You might also check the Delphi list.  They are a  great source of
info.  http://forums.delphiforums.com/celiac/start

Good luck.
Jackie in AZ

I think they aren't gf but we can have gel caps of Advil... Diana

go to glutenfreedrugs.com when in doubt. Grace Johnston in Winston-Salem,NC

I buy the generic formulas--naproxen sodium.  I find they have much better
labeling than the brand name products.  I spoke w/ a chemist at Perrigo who
said they can afford to pay more to lock in a consistent supplier for a set
price since they have no advertizing budget.  And, without advertizing &
coupons like the major companies, they have only one chance to keep the

Bev in Milwaukee

I use it often with no reaction. When I called several months ago, I was
told it was gf.


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