Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 Dec 2003 10:21:51 +0100
text/plain (30 lines)
I was eating CUPS of veggies and nuts, lots of meat, eggs, and
>seafood, avocados, greens,  and moderate amounts of fruit so I am not sure
>why this happened? Would eating things more along the lines of dried
>fruits and bananas help?
Yes, eating lots of fruit will help you to gain weight. We have the same
problem here with my son being anything but fat. In fact this morning he wore
jeans that didn't fit him for two years or something. He is not too thin but
should not lose any more either.  So loads of fruits, smoothies (for those of
us that eat dairy), dried fruits, creams, anything. They sell here in Holland
a sort of candybars consisting of dried fruits with honey which are not
exactly cheap but he happily munches away everything I bring him.

If fruits are hard on your system you might want to eat them on their own, so
without meats in one meal. See if that helps against gasses and such.
BUT, I for one feel weak and feeble after eating too many carbs. It's a
delicate balance between mimicing what we think is Paleo and what is

Also snacking in bed so you don't use those calories could work. If it's
muscle you want to build a piece of protein will do, if you are having trouble
sleeping a sweet dish can be mildly sedating.

Glad to hear you've overcome your anorexic state and are looking into Paleo
now. Feel free to ask questions if you like.  There are some great researchers
on the list from who we all benefit.  We may not always all agree on the best
approach but we believe to be eating/living the most natural way we can in
this world as it is.
