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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Binneh Minteh <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 7 Feb 2004 11:38:30 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (101 lines)

OPTV has received news that palm oil is scarce in The Gambia and our poor
people are once again,victims of circumstances that they never
created.Yahya's whims and immature moves have brought us this wretched
movie called OPERATION NO COMPROMISE.Earlier on analysts warned us that
vendors would stop ordering and then the dalasi will not ony be devalued
but goods will also be scarce in the Gambia.The first signal has been
realised,Gambians for the first time in the history of our beloved
country,are forming lines to buy palm oil?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodness! Where
is this mad man leading us to?
When operation no compromise was pronounced foroyaa and other renowned
economists warned that it was the wrong path to take.Yahya came out with
his cane and chaplet spraying mad words and sick ideas all over the
place.He does not know and he never listens,that is a problem and a real
problem for that matter.
Palm oil is scarce because the vendors are facing problems.They order
through thick layers ie they have to change the dalasi to CFA and then
proceed to order from Guinea Bissau(this country now uses CFA).Before Yahya
used to bluff in his sick mind and say that Gambia is a donor country in
the face of Bissau! but now it is the other way around.Very soon he will
receive aid from Alexandre Gibba and Labbe Jamakoun when Wade makes them
governors etc.

Guinea Bissau would rather prefer using the CFA than the dalasi because
they know that the dalasi can only be spent in Banjul! Until 1994 the
dalasi and the Ghanain cede were competing in West Africa.Every Gambian can
attest to the fact that there were Cambio Wechels in SieraLeone and other
parts of West Africa where the dalasi was being exchanged like any other
Now our dalasi is one of the most confusing notes in that area.The notes
that bore ex president Jawara's image(were banned) but nowadays those very
notes that mad Yahya banned are once again,circulating in full force within
the whole country.The dalasi has lost its value now,especially when it
comes to patterns that should be on the specimens that go out before
introducing the new notes.The central bank is running against time and
being handled by the very secretary of state who brought our econmy to
where it is today! How can one use disease to cure patients?
The shortage of palm oil is just the beginning of a long and bitter period
for our poor people.Guinea Bissau will not leave itself to answer to the
mess on behalf of The Gambia when they have their own immediate
problems.Yahya is so mad that he would come out again and try to buy few
barrels and then force people to sell at prices in comparison to what he
does.Yahya should know that these poor vendors sweat and do not steal and
then order few barrels.They know the way business goes and would rather
relocate to other countries than stay within one that is being run by a mad
man like him.
If they find it difficult to overcome ordering from a neighbouriing by
using CFA then how about when these poor vendors are to order from South
East Asia,Europe and so on?
Gambians are generally kind and do not sell exhorbitant prices just like
that! Yahya himself has stores and stores that have been filled with
rices,other grains,cars(that he acquired illegally) so how can he in turn
blame these poor vendors and unfortunate buyers?
Yahya has those stores and he sends these bags of rice,sugar and so on to
villagers during ramadan and then pretentiously uses religion to gather
Yahya keeps many things in Kanilai,he has so many cars that he cannot even
remember how many.Tintin(a so-called businessman)who was one of those being
followed by the interpol sells cars to Yahya(stolen cars from Europe!)
How can Yahya control and clean a society when he himself encourages theft?
Yahya knows who TINTIN is and he can never deny having held dinners with
Ask Gambians in Europe they will tell you who TINTIN is,they would never
want to be associated with TINTIN here we have a mad man calling himself a
president, dining with people like TINTIN!
Such people are the vendors that Yahya loves and adores,those who bring
stolen cars and charming girls around his zoo.
Other commodities that will be scarce very soon are cooking oil,salt,rice
and kerosene.Salt should not have been scarce but that is going to happen
very soon.
The crisis back home cannot be controlled by GRTS and Daily observer,it is
too much for them.
Senegal will certainly stop using Yellitenda and the river Gambia very soon
because all that they needed Gambia for can be conducted in Bissau and
Mali.Infact Senegal's entrepot sea port is on top especially during these
days when Ivory Coast is not stable.
Yahya has been sandwiched and he will make our poor people pay  the price.
God will save our people.
Can you imagine the apalling situation in most of this rural towns and
villages,when Kanilai has been turned to a city like any other place in the
This is serious and our vendors have to stand firm and resist being
blackmailed by Yahya.Let them not blame Bissau and Dakar those people are
following international business strategies thats all.

Binneh S Minteh
New York University

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