I have a question about trying to see what computers are using or are
logged into my router/switch in my wired and wireless network. My OS is
Windows XP Home Edition and 98SE. The computers are various types. The
router is made by Linksys, model BEFW11S4.
I was reading the manual for this unit and as I understand it I can view
the DHCP Client table to see who has an active IP address. The problem
is the unit stores this information. Clicking the refresh button does
not give me current NIC's or computers logged into my unit. The
information appears like this:
DHCP Active IP Table
Client Hostname IP Address MAC
Address Interface
00-08-A1-02-5F-69 Ethernet
As computers login this table builds but it does not clear until I
delete the computer or computers. And even if I delete all the current
logged in computers, clicking Refresh does not give me current
information. I have to re-login to get the computer to appear. Sounds
like problems with the software maybe?
My question is can I get this same type of information from another
program that would query the router unit for current info? If so, what
is the name of the program? I have not spoke to Linksys about this yet
because I know there is some very knowledgeable folks on this forum.
I hope this was clear enough to get help.
Thank you.
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