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Sat, 1 Feb 1997 10:35:28 +0200
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<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello all,

First I want to say a grateful thank you for all who responded to my
question SOS about bone aches in young children. You were all wonderfully
supportive and encouraging - a real testimony to what this list is all

The overwhelming concensus was that most likely the aches were part of the
normal aches and pains that children get as they grow, especially before a
growth spurt. Interesting that almost all pain reported was in the legs,
and not necessarily the joints, but rather the bones themselves.

The issue of bone density and calcium supplements came up here. I have
never had  my child have a bone density test and don't even know at this
point if it is done where I live. The G/I we go to who specializes in CD
never even suggested it. As for supplements, that is a good idea. We have
been back on the diet (after a challenge) for 7 months now and if his BM's
are any indication, I think his intestines are pretty much healed. So he
can absorb vitimins now. I give iron supplements already.

Some of you suggested the _possibility_ of a slip up in diet as a cause. I
consulted our pediatrician and she agreed that it could be a symptom.
There is a greater probability, however, that bone aches are caused by
growing pains and so barring any other signs of a screw-up in following
the diet, I'll be sympathetic but less concerned next time my son

Also as to my post entitled "You can't trust anyone..." I also got very
sympathetic responses. Someone suggested taking a snack to share and
another one JUST FOR HIM and explain to the mother that this is just for
him, so she can give her non-CD kids whatever she wants. Someone else was
under the impression that awareness here in Israel is greater than in the
US. I tried to explain that that wasn't the case (at least in my
experience of 2 1/2 years with this and feeling very much alone) and even
if it wasn't, people are people and do inconsiderate, stupid things at the
expense of others - esp. if the "other" is not their own child. Anyway,
the mother called the next day to see if my son had reacted and to
profusely appologize. I just won't let it happen again.

Where would I be in coping with this diet without you all?!

You have all been fantastic. Thanks again.

Sharon Marcus