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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Jane Warner <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 14 Aug 2003 15:06:22 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Hi, All!

Thanks for the info on HealthcheckUSA.  My main concern about
direct-to-consumer laboratories is the accuracy of the test results.  So I
did a Google search for HealthcheckUSA to see what is being said about
it.  I found out that there are other direct-to-consumer laboratories, with
one offering even more tests than HealthcheckUSA.  I added accurate and
accuracy to the search and didn't find anything in a fast scan to make me
feel uneasy about using this service.

 From what I can tell, what happens is that you order the tests over the
Net, they send you the paperwork, and you take it down to your local
laboratory, who does the test and sends the results to the company.  They
post it on their web site and you have a password that allows you to view
your results and print them out in just a couple of days.  Very fast and
convenient.  The main accuracy question then would be that of the lab you
choose.  I don't know if they are doing sink tests (dump the sample in the
sink and just make up the report) anymore.  Probably that was just a few
labs anyway.

I get a real chuckle when I read the usual filler about concerns that DTC
lab work bypasses the doctor.  LOL!  Obviously there is already a rift
between the patient and his/her doctor for the patient to be considering
DTC.  If your doctor is snotty toward you (and I can write a chapter for
your book, Dori) or is not allowed to order certain tests, DTC is the only
way for a person to discover what could be going on with themselves.  I
understand that some doctors steer their patients toward DTC labs when the
insurance company or Medicare won't allow them to order the tests.  You
would have to be well-read or know someone who is to get the most out of
the lab report.

Has anyone here used HealthcareUSA or any other DTC lab?  What is your
impression of the company and the process?

Tucson, AZ  USA