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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Max Plyshevsky <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 Jul 2003 16:18:49 -0700
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (153 lines)
Jean-Claude, thanks a lot for writing such a detailed
reply, my comments below...

--- Ingrid Bauer/Jean-Claude Catry
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> in that context of foods chosen by sense of smell
> and taste without seasonning or mixing ( food chosen

> one by one whole ), detox processes are rarelly loud

> and showy and not troublesome .in short the process
> of detox is kept in check to stay very confortable
> for the body . any stepping out of instinctive
> regulation ( forcing on one food , not eating enough

> of an one etc...) will often give rise to more
> violent manifestation of the detox .

This would indicate that detox or sickness is caused
by excesses/deficiencies in one's diet rather than
elimination of old toxins.

> basically a food that is repulsive to the taste ( as
> papaya have been for me for years ) is the
> indication of the foods that will trigger a detox
> but the body is not ready to engage in that
> particular work ( in my ex i suspect papaya might
> triger elimination of molecules from dairy
> origin .the papaya smelled to me like vomited milk).

I feel exactly the same way about ripe papaya (green
papaya is a different story ;)
But when you say that the body is not ready to detox
and that a specific food triggers elimination of
another specific substance, this sounds to me more
like the elimination of old toxins idea.

> since i started to introduce sequences of meals that
> are not instinctivelly chosen ( seasonning of greens

> for ex ) symptoms and ability to get sick started to

> show up in my exp ( during the 8 years of
> instinctive eating i never had acute diseases that
> necessited rest.even the flu in me was almost
> symptom less ).

So, all the raw foods that you ate for 8 years did not
cause any detox symptoms? I'm asking because some diet
gurus claim that one can only detox on an all raw
What is your experience with cooked foods after eating
raw for so long?

> aajonus way is far removed from instinctive eating
> because there is much cheating with instinct (
> blending all kind of foods together ).

It's not just blending, but also the regimented
overeating of the same foods.
One possibility is that these foods (mainly raw meat,
dairy, honey, and vegetable juice) are particularly
good at eliminating stored toxins. In this case,
they're "forcing" a beneficial detox. Kind of like
your papaya expelling old dairy example..
Another possibility is that the followers of Aajonus'
diet are detoxing the foods that they're overeating.
In this case, it's not really "detox" but an imbalance
created by the diet..

> In anapsology we classify 2 kind of diseases
>  the acute diseases are regarded as a mean to
> rebalance the organism using genetic materiel if
> viruses ,bacterias or parasites to do a job the
> organism have not been programmed to do ( like
> dealing with non original molecules - meaning not
> present in our foods for enough long time during our

> evolution )
> bacterias have way more ressources to deal with all
> kind of molecules , our specialised cells lost a lot

> of this capacity .

The foods recommended by Aajonus would be very high in
these beneficial organisms.. Are these organisms
performing a service to their host?

> thoses diseases in the carefully followed
> instinctive frame work are doing much good to the
> body and are welcomed because very confortable to
> experience . if foods are chosen carelesslly the
> symptoms can flare up and even more so to very
> unconfortable or and even threatening to life level
> if unatural foods are continuously eaten( contening
> especially the molecules the body is trying to get
> rid of .)

Do these uncomfortable/life-threatening symptoms
indicate healing or imbalance?

> and the real disorders , like in chronic
> degenerative diseases , that manifest inability of
> organs to function properlly.
> the chronic diseases to be resolved will have to
> reverse to acute diseases .
> the all process will be more efficient if symptoms
> stay mild .

So are you saying that Instincto is a better/slower
way to detox? And with chronic diseases, it is
_necessary_ to detox in order to heal?

> in anapsology ,fast is never forced onto the body (
> just when there is no hunger for foods )
> That is an other aproach too of aajonus way where
> violent detox symptoms often occur and are even
> wanted .

There are no fasts on Aajonus' plan, there is some
yo-yo dieting. First you gain fat to absorb your old
toxins, then you lose it to eliminate them..

> detox is a missnomer for the phenomenons of
> eliminations from the body of unwanted molecules (
> all acutes diseases have symptoms of something
> out of the body via many ways ( mucus, skins
> euptions diarrhea etc...)

My question is: are these unwanted molecules recently
acquired or toxins stored in the body..

> i don't buy into the idea that the body get dirty
> and need to be cleaned.( this view is way too much a
> symbol of redemption. for me those phenomenons are
> just the manifestations of the body's strving to
> maintin homeostasis in the mist of unatural
> circonstances ( no sin to payfor, not a punition )

The concepts of purity and redemption are
psychologically important to a whole lot of people.
Sure makes "a purifying diet" very marketable ;)


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