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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
"C. ten Broeke" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 11:11:34 +0200
text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
>>Anyone else a litt
>le sensitive to this or is it just me?
>I think people who are even a very little drunk after drinking alcohol are
>pathetic. I don't want to talk to them in that condition. Sorry if I've
>offended some of you.
Some of my childhood memories involve my father being drunk at holidays
or when playing cards with friends.  It caused a lot of tension in the
family and as I grew older I realised my father was not a bad drunk but
a man who drank every day a little and only sometimes got bad. It
scarred me just the same.
Quite a few people around me then (family and neighbours) drank and it
seemd to be the norm in those days.
I've been drunk 4 times in my life and I get drunk from drinking only
one glass of wine or whatever. I stay well away from it because
eventhough I don't particularly like the feeling of losing control I
know I am very sensitive to carbohydrates. I can get "drunk" from eating
a piece of bread after having been on Paleo for a time. Chocolate is
like an taste-orgasm if I eat it very rarely.
Looking at my families background I see there are loads of diabetics and
they all seem to die from heartfailure or cancer. Deep depressions as
well that caused a couple of suicides.
During the times I eat SAD I am not a happy woman. Physical problems as
well as being utterly unhappy are a direct result of eating all the junk
that is the norm. Still I found it extremely hard to kick the habit but
finally managed again after having fallen of the Paleo-wagon for two years.
Also my son Arik who cheated two days ago with a sandwich at work he
didn't even enjoy is very sensitive. He felt ill yesterday al lday and
couldn't stay awake.
So perhaps genetical sensitvity has got us in it's grasp and we need to
be more careful then others.
We noticed at breakfast this morning that the string beans and beets we
ate were not very nice.  They come from a normal shop and are definitely
grown with artificial fertilizer etc. We find ourself smell and taste so
sensitive that we can now tell the difference between organic food or
not by just smelling or tasting.
Alcohol as it's sold in the shops has nothing to do with natural foods.
It could be that rotting grapes produce a kind of alcohol we could
digest but all the additives, colors, preservatives and heaven knows
what else, make us react so badly.
Perhaps we should try to make our own Paleo-beverage ;-)
Like the Amazone-Indians, chew the fruit, spit the fruit, let the fruit
