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Wed, 26 Feb 2003 14:49:35 -0500
Fredrik Murman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Some time ago my youngest brother asked me why his closest friend and most
other children at school, and even many grownups outside our family, look
as healthy as we, in spite of the fact that they're all eating non-paleo
foods, especially candies and cookies.

First I didn't know what to say, but then I remembered a man I once used to
know. This was long before I became aware of my eating habits. This man was
in his early 60's when I first met him and he became a very close friend to
our family. I truly admired his excellent mind and physique. He was almost
always glad and his eyes shined of life. I don't recall him ever being
sick. He never worked out, I know it for sure, but it looked like he did.
He had perfect skin quality, no wrinkles whatsoever. When we were at the
beach, I s
ometimes just couldn't believe what I saw. I dreamed that I one
day, when I was in his age, would look like him. He ate all kinds of stuff,
and loved candies and cookies a lot.

When he was waking up one morning he got a heart attack. He was rushed to
the hospital and our family was deeply worried. I cried a lot. He didn't
take his condition very seriously and joked as usually, but then, while at
the hospital, he got a new heart attack. After that he wasn't confident any

After the operation he looked like a ghost. There was no lustre in his eyes
any more. I suffered every time I saw him. He had completely lost his
figure. I loved him anyway.

The relationship between our family and him, ended a year or so after the
operation, because even his personality had changed completely. He had
become very nervous and didn't make jokes anymore. He broke the contact to
our family and moved. Now
he's only one of my very sad memories.

I guess that shows that appearance doesn't always tell the story of the
quality of ones food. I say this because I believe it was his food that was
responsible for his attacks.

When I'm at the supermarket and see healthy looking people, both young and
old, buying things I now regard as junk, I sometimes, for a moment, loose
faith in paleo, but then I remember my healthy looking friend and what
happened to him.

I truly hope this paleothing will save me from such a terrible endning and
other similar endings I've seen in my life. I want to die a natural death,
but don't really know what I mean by that. All I know is that it's
something better.
