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"hclc@interpath" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 18:21:13 -0500
text/plain (46 lines)
Judith P. Andersen wrote:
> I have been on synthroid for approximately 25 yrs. I started out with a
> higher dosage and cannot remember if it was 2.0 or not, now I am on
> 0.075mg and have symptoms such as ridges in my nails,tired all the time,
> my feet and hands are freezing (even in warm weather). I am going thru
> menopause so I don't want to confuse one condition with another. I am in
> search of a Dr. who believes in vitamins and natural remedies,along with
> modern ways. I have had many bad experiences with doctors and frankly do
> not trust them! I know my body and it would be nice to find a doctor who
> listens. I want to feel good again but I know there are many things in
> life we have to go through when nature has the say so! I had told my Dr.
> that I was having heart palpitations and not feeling well. He took an
> ekg and said my heart was fine. My blood pressure was 190 over 90 and
> that was too high, so he put me bp medication. I did not like that, it
> made me feel worse. My blood pressure is normal now without the
> medication. He took a thyroid test and said he was going to lower it to
> the .075, now I think its too low, but reading about synthroid,
> side-effects can be heart palpitations, and I don't want those again.
> What can you recommend for me? I don't want miracles, I just want to be
> as close to my old self as possible without being overdosed with tons of
> pills!
> Thank you in advance, Judy
You need a change in DOCTORS! You sound just like myself. I screamed to
everyone, I just wanted to me like my old self, happy and healthy. I
have been on Synthroid 0.15mg every day since 1982. I switched Dr.
because of my husband's HMO and the first thing he did was lower my
Synthroid to 0.1 mg everyday. 4 weeks later, I crashed. I was fatiqued,
depressed, having papitations, and panic attacks. I cried all of the
time. He did all kinds of test and finally said, "I don't know what's
wrong with you. All of your test are fine. I think you need to talk with
a psychiatrist." I thanked him and left and immediately went to another
doctor. It is sooo frustrating. You know your body and you know you
don't feel good and nobody will listen. I also was going through
peri-menopause at the same time (although I didn't know it until later).
The symptoms for both are so similar. I think you need to find a doctor
or Nurse Practioner or even a PA who will listen to you and put you back
on they old dose of Synthroid and start treating you for menopause. You
decide if you want HRT, herbs, vitamins, creams, whatever. But start now
and take control of your own health.
Good luck,