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"Bayliss, Judy" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 28 Jan 1997 16:36:47 -0500
text/plain (58 lines)
To the women on the list:
Please don't assume that all your problems are strickly related to your
thyroid disease.  Just because you might be only 32 or 35 or 40 or
whatever age, don't assume that it can't be menopause.  Hormanal changes
start to happen in the 30s.
I'm seeing a lot of familiar symptoms mentioned on this list.  What
follows is a list of symptoms put together by the women on the menopaus
list.  You'll see many things here that several of you have mentioned.
I really have to wonder where the line is between thyroid problems and
hormonal changes.  These symptoms can be experienced in any combination
of any, all or none.
For what it's worth:
1.      Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes, clammy
2.      Bouts of rapid heart beat
3.      Irritability
4.      Mood swings, sudden tears
5.      Trouble sleeping through the night (with or without night sweats)
6.      Irregular periods; shorter, lighter periods; heavier periods,
flooding; phantom periods
7.      Loss of libido
8.      Dry vagina (see note)
9.      Crashing fatigue
10.     Anxiety, feeling ill at ease
11.     Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom (see note)
12.     Difficulty concentrating, disorientation, mental confusion
13.     Disturbing memory lapses
14.     Incontinence, especially upon sneezing, laughing; urge incontinence
(see note)
15.     Itchy, crawly skin (see note)
16.     Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons (see note)
17.     Increased tension in muscles
18.     Breast tenderness
19.     Headache change: increase or decrease
20.     Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, flatulence, gas pain,
21.     Sudden bouts of bloat
22.     Depression (see note)
23.     Exacerbation of existing conditions
24.     Increase in allergies
25.     Weight gain (see note)
26.     Hair loss or thinning, head, pubic, or whole body; increase in
facial hair
27.     Dizziness, light-headedness, episodes of loss of balance
28.     Changes in body odor
29.     Electric shock sensation under the skin and in the head (see note)
30.     Tingling in the extremities, (see note)
31.     Gum problems, increased bleeding
32.     Burning tongue, burning roof of mouth, bad taste in mouth
33.     Osteoporosis (after several years)
34.     Changes in fingernails: softer, crack or break easier