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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
"Cleveland, Kyle E." <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 17 Sep 2003 11:49:09 -0400
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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (119 lines)

To be honest, I've never heard of a "discussion group monitor" in terms of a
specific job title.  If I could offer some advice (and PLEASE don't take
this as criticism) from someone who has been in the "professional" work
world for nearly a quarter century, you NEED to get a resume' or curriculum
vitae together.  You must use "action" words and phrases like: "developed",
"managed", "revamped", "saved X dollars", etc. If you've not had experience
doing this, Student Services at any of the schools you've attended have
folks who do nothing but assist others in creating these.  Other resources
are the Jobs Corps, Voc. Rehab. and the like.  It's imperative that you have
something ON PAPER (no links), that's very concise and succinct to give to a
prospective employer.  Believe me, if they have to take the time to open web
links to see if you're an appropriate candidate, they won't give your
application a second thought.

The second bit of advice is to determine the appropriate job title for what
you want to do.  The US Department of Labor has a "Dictionary of
Occupational Titles" with about 12,000 entries and descriptions.  Check out
this link: http://www.oalj.dol.gov/libdot.htm and search the dictionary.
You really need to query prospective employers with a standard job title.

Next, unless you are seeking a job specifically relating to the disabled
community, I would avoid references to your disability.  Right or wrong,
legal or otherwise, employers by and large are gun-shy of job candidates who
overtly refer to a disability.  Even though you may regard the issue as of
no consequence, if the prospective employer notes you have a disability
BEFORE THE FIRST INTERVIEW, what they see is someone who, potentially, could
require extensive ADA compliance, greater use of sick leave, higher
utilization of health benefits, etc.  Even if you know that this doesn't
describe you, the employer won't take the time to find out if he/she is just
scanning your resume'/C.V.

Lastly, focus your job search on those organizations that would most likely
be interested in what you can bring to the table and would be least likely
to be concerned with your disability.  Examples would be: City/County Health
Boards and Clinics, Rehab/Mental Health Clinics, Employee Assistance
Programs (EAPs).

Things are VERY tight right now in the job market--especially for those in
the social sciences that depend on gov't funding.  I hate to say it, but you
need to be willing to take anything that will "get your foot in the door",
with the notion that your "ideal" job might need to be created down the

I hope this didn't sound harsh, but these are the cold, hard facts regarding
finding a job right now.  I have tons of post-grad education, years of
experience and I'm working for an agency that (currently) is "in the black".
Even so, the folks here never know if today's the last day they'll be here.
I've never seen the "white collar"/"tech" job market so unstable as it is
right now.  That means the competition for available jobs is incredible.  If
you expect to get hired, you really have to shine for that first impression.


-----Original Message-----
From: Yvonne Singer [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 7:15 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Exploring job opportunities

Dear Colleagues:

Currently, I earned my Masters in Psychology from Walden University in
2002.  Previously, I received my Associates from Brookdale Community
College in 1994 and Bachelors in Psychology from Monmouth University in

Due to my strong computer and writing skills, I am seeking to become a
discussion group monitor.  How does one inquire about this job position?

Having an extraordinary background in computer science has given me the
skills to design a personal web page http://home.att.net/~ysinger/.
Actually, I taught myself HTML code, cut & paste Javascript Code, to
permanently place midi / MP3 files and graphics
(http://home.att.net/~ysinger/bannerysg.htm) on a site, FTP, and DOS

Starting from 8/31/2003 to the present, I am volunteering to promote and
to crop photos for LifeWise Community Projects, Inc.
(www.lifewise-nh.org) Web Site.  Beginning from 8/21/2003 to 8/23/2003,
I volunteered to edit content to the World Association of Persons with
disAbilities (WAPD) Web Site.  The following content was edited:
http://www.wapd.org/news/030719.html, and

Starting from 11/07/2002 to the present, I have been volunteering to add
content to and update the Monmouth County Department of Human Services
Web Site.  The following content was added to
http://home.att.net/~ysinger/news.htm, and
http://home.att.net/~ysinger/health.htm.  Previously, I edited web pages
for Merck during the summer of 1998.

My writing skills have made my web site a glowing success.  Two of my
essays were published in a Canadian magazine entitled The Ability's
Network, which were the following: YES,  I DO EXIST!!! and Seeking a
Post-Secondary Education.  In addition, I had several of my writings
published in Brookdale Community College's as well in Monmouth
University's literary magazines and newspapers.

Feel free to contact me [log in to unmask]

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yvonne Singer