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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Gary Norris Gray <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 21 Nov 2003 20:52:14 -0800
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most of you guys are still missing the point
now we have a new form of slavery
if you dont sing,dance, or play sports (sterotype) it is still hard to be an african american male in this country .. do you know that it was safer for a young african american male 16-25  to be in the armed forces then to be in the streets in america .THAT IS SICK
do you know that more african american undercover policeman get shoot more times than any other group of police officers in the field .. THAT IS SICK
do you know that the average african american male dies ten to fifteen years earlyier than any other group in this country
if your a black disabled male its 20 years

we just have to come to the truth and be real about this
until  america gives african america true economic power and freedom
until america gives african americans true political freedom
we will be going around in circles over and over again
yes for those left wingers we have become a better nation but the kobe bryant, o.j. simpson, micheal jackson, the murder of micheal jordens father, the murder of bil cosby's son
have we truly become one nation under GOD or just one nation with the most money wins ? i think its the later and micheal might get off again .. do i think its fair NO
do i think its right NO
what happen three years ago in the 2000 fla national election was a complete disgrace when thousands of african american voters were denied the right to vote
when thousands of disabled voters were denied their right to vote.
nobody lifted a finger to help these people . very few ccomplained about it so you tell me what happen ? now is this a level playing field ? NO
let me ask you all this, do you believe if the rodney king trail did not happen two years earlier would with the not guilty verdict for those four police officers would o.j. be free today  NO
the rodney king trial tainted the o.j. trail the answer is very easy NO
america was so scared that if they found o.j. guilty this country would have gone up in smoke. do you notice how the whole country stop when the jury came back with the verdict. did you notice that most african americans cheered while white americans were in anger and cryed why this trail should the ccomplete division of this country along racial lines  i could not talk about this case with some of my white friends because in their minds this man was a killer so dont tell me that the kobe bryant case, the micheal jackson case the same thing will happen all over again, most whites will see it one way most african american will see it the other , the iowa state football players rape case against two white females
if this is not about race, if you truly believe this then you are truly blind and do not know the history of american racism . this country thrives on stuff like this we should ignore it completely and go about our lives .. when this person made a joke on this web site it was a joke about african americans in my mind and i did not like it .. it was a personal attack on my culture. he may not have thought so but it was
that is way i responded the way i did .. its not funny nor is it right
i dont like clinton jokes
i dont like o.j. jokes
i dont like rush limbaugh jokes
i dont like kobe bryant jokes
one should not make fun at somebody elses problems
being disabled i thought many of you would understand that and be more respectful.
think about this
how many parties on american college campus were white frat. boys have there way with girls then go to trail .. not many, and how many get front page news, not many
how many child abusers in the burbs,  get front page news, not many
this is why it upset me so much because it just showed to me the lack of cultural sensitivity
i do not want to talk about this any longer because its not going to make it better . i just wanted people to think about making statements on a public form like that
think about your fellow  man /woman when you write
ken barber <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
like i said, the jury saw all the evidence, no one
called me with any evidence nor to ask if i wanted to
be on that jury.
> >
> > I believe in the Innocent until found Guilty thing
> as well. OJ got off?
> > Did that make him innocent?
> Afraid it did. I may not like the guy, I may wish
> the justice system was
> nearer perfection, but it would not be fair to treat
> him as guilty after his
> acquittal.

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gary norris gray

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