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Lisa Mandl <[log in to unmask]>
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Lisa Mandl <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 31 Aug 2003 15:53:51 -0500
text/plain (12 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello everyone,

I'm turning to all of you experts first.  I had arthroscopic surgery Friday morning on my right knee (I had torn my meniscus).  I was given general anesthesia and felt very nauseous afterwards.  While still in the hospital, I was given morphine three times for pain and a medicine that might be called Zochol or something like that (I was so woozy, I can't completely remember) for nausea.  I have been home taking basically liquids and am still getting a lot of nausea and just vomitted.  What I'm wondering is could I have been given anything via IV or via the anesthia that I should ask about, in other words, could this be a gluten reaction or simply an after surgery reaction?  I'm planning on calling the surgeon to see what he recommends, but I knew some of you may know what I forgot to ask about pre-surgery medicine-wise.

Thanks so much in advance, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
(Chicago area)

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