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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Sun, 25 May 2003 01:43:57 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Liste friends,

Here is one response I just got this week .. I have eaten the "Balance
Gold, chocolate peanut butter bar . "   I had a question on 'maltitol'
listed in the ingredients
Hope this helps:

Thanks for visiting our Web site, and for your inquiry about Balance
Bars and gluten intolerance.

Our policy is to always label the gluten containing ingredients (e.g.,
wheat, barley, rye, triticale,
oats and spelt) in our ingredient statement. In addition, we provide
"Allergen Information" in a
statement separate from the ingredient statement; consumers who cannot
consume gluten should
check both places.

If an allergen (e.g., wheat) does not exist in our formulation but the
products are manufactured on
shared equipment, it is our Policy to include it in an Allergy
Information statement.  BALANCE
Oasis Bars have gluten-containing ingredients such as wheat, rolled
oats, barley malt, and malted
barley flour.  Also, the ingredient "grain dextrins" in BALANCE Outdoor
Crunchy Peanut covers
a wide variety of grains, except corn, barley, buckwheat, kamut, oats,
rye, triticale and wheat.

We hope that this has provided you with the information that you need.
Please add our site to
your bookmarks and visit us again soon!

Have a wonderful day!

If God brings you to it..
God will bring you through it

have a wonderful day!!
God Bless

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