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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Peggy White <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Jan 2003 21:07:11 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Everyone,

A big, enormous thank you to all who responded!!!!  I would be lost without this group.

Many of you emphasized the seriousness of Barrett's, and to get on some meds:

6 of you take PRILOSEC





Most of you emphasized a plain, lowfat diet, small meals, and no oj, tom sauce, peppermints, chocolate, caffeine, red wine, etc. A couple people also suggested raising the head of my bed.  Someone said to exercise to avert heartburn.  An interesting comment was that microwaving destroys enzymes in foods, which reduces the effect of digestion.

I plan on continuing to search for a competent gastro doc.

There were two recommendations for the book:  WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU by Jonathan Wright MD

Thanks for the help, Peggy in NH

Here are some excerpts from some notable responses (hope this is okay):

found the following two web sites that were really helpful:



I started taking DGL (deglycyrrhinizated licorice) 20 minutes before
meals/snacks and Thayer's slippery elm lozenges between meals, whenever
my throat feels tight.  I've also taken Acid-Ease and/or Papaya enzyme
whenever my stomach feels like I need it.  I have not had any reflux,
globus, etc since I started using these things and I feel quite a bit
better overall(no more bloating) now that I am off Nexium.  It has only
been about ten days, but already I am able to skip taking the DGL before
some snacks without ill effect.  I am still avoiding all the same foods
(dairy, soy, wine, citrus, tomatoes, chocolate, etc) and trying to keep
to low fat foods as much as I can.

Yes, you do need to be on medication the rest of your life, unless you want to get cancer!  Barretts is a pre-cancerous condition.  You also need to have YEARLY endoscopies and biopsies.  I take Prevacid, and my Barretts healed, although it was a very mild case.  Good luck!
Lisa (R.N., B.S.N.)

Aciphex and I think Prilosec are gf.  Check glutenfreedrugs.com   I hesitate to give much advice on this but it seems like I've heard that Barrett's esophagus can be pretty serious, so don't take any chances.

drinking lots of water(people don't drink enough) walking and excerises, not eating acidic foods, not eating two hrs before bedtime,having  the head of the bed raised  all of these work
most last of all don't eat fat this is the bigest stinker of all.
 Remember your dr works for the drug company and drugs make revenue

 Barretts is a precursor to esophageal cancer of
which there is like a 5%(i may exaggerate), survival rate.  Serious that
esophageal cancer stuff.  Get back to your GI Guy or find another, you have
to keep GERD under control.

fresh red cabbage juice will heal ulcers as well as medications; you might try drinking a small amount the first thing in the morning when acid levels tend to be the highest.  Identify acid/alkaline foods and reduce your intake of acid foods.  Eating smaller amounts of food at a time helps. An ND said that tomato is a candida/yeast trigger and that people who elliminate tomato can tolerate more of the other foods that aggravate this condition. Your best bet is to read read read everything you can get your hands on.  Go to a health food store, preferably one that can order items sold only by health care providers; ask them to recommend books---go to the bookstore and look at health books--check the index for your condition and read the few pages that cover your condition.....I took Prilosec---never again!!!

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