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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Valerie Wells <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Aug 2003 09:53:54 -0700
text/plain (96 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I use to have leg cramps since I remember. My doctor advises me to take
supplement of Magnesium. Last year or so I am taking one a day pill of
Calcium & Magnesium with Zinc manufactured by “Nature Made” I still
getting sometimes cramps, but rarely maybe once a month. If I do; I take
one ASA (aspirin) with glass of water and goes away in couple of minutes.

The day I had a diagnosis by colonoscopy/endoscopy and went GF my leg
cramps, which I had been experiencing for 4 years stopped!  It has been 7
months and I have yet to have another one...knock on wood.

I went to many doctors, tried many things and I think to some they
thought I was imagining things.  My legs would cramp so bad it would wake
me from a dead sleep.  When I would try to stand, my heels would
literally draw up off of the floor and I had no control from the knees
down.  It was so very scary.  I don't know if the fact they completely
flushed my system as part of the pre-op procedures and then I started my
GF diet immediately is why I showed relief so fast.  All I know is I
consider it a miracle.
I take extra calcium.  I am a 37 year old mom.  I'm still breastfeeding
my twin boys.  My teeth hurt first when I don't take my calcium
regularly.  If I'm very neglectful(tired and stressed I forget) the leg
cramps start. When lactating the calcium is taken from my body and I must
replace it if I'd like to keep my teeth and bones where there are,
attached to me. ...I do find that taking calcium supplements 2 times a
day works great for me. I use KAL extra strength.  I buy it locally at
health food stores.  If you can stretch those muscles, prior to knowing
it was the gluten, I'd get the leg cramps bad and would stretch, exercise
till the pain would ease.
Potassium helps some... bananas are a good source.
When that happens, I do stretching and I massage my calf. ... Sometimes I
get cramps in my feet and have to massage them away as well.
I used to have severe leg cramps.  Best treatment I found is a quick shot
of calcium.  I keep a bottle of calcium syrup (quite sweet - yuk) in my
bathroom.  If I get cramps I just swig down a good mouthful.  As this is
readily absorbable it works right away.  Best is Calcium Sandoz but there
are good generic ones too.
I only get leg cramps when I have ingested gluten.  So, my suggestion is
to be very careful that you don't eat  any.
What I have used to help with leg cramps is Pure Black Cherry juice.  I
drink 16 oz a day.  It has a taste that you get use to, very strong. But
it has helped. Hope it works.
I give my son magnesium tablets and calcium chews which helps to get rid
of the cramps. I use this as an indicator that he may have ingested
I had terrible leg pain and cramps.  All my Potassium, Magnesium and
Calcium levels showed to be normal, but the cramps and pain persisted.  A
friend told me to try Vitamin E.  She said take 2 vitamin E capsules for
3 weeks and then 1 everyday from then on.  I tried it and after two weeks
no results so I almost gave up.  She encouraged me to continue and after
the 3rd week they lessened and now they are gone!  Don't know why this
worked but it worked for me.

[According to what I've read, blood levels of calcium, magnesium and
potassium are not adequate indicators for deficiency.  The blood serum
levels of these nutrients is carefully maintained by hormonal regulation
even when nutritional deficits or excess is present w/i the cells, bones,
tissues, etc.  The only way to test for true nutritional deficits is to
test cellular levels of various tissues.  For example, blood calcium
levels are normal even when osteoporosis is advanced.]
Unfortunately, I have not been able to eliminate them [leg cramps], but
they have reduced greatly since I found out I was CD (8 months now) and
went on CD diet. Doctor says they are most probably due to malabsorption
that I am low on iron and calcium. I take extra iron, folic acid and B12,
also extra calcium which seems to have helped.
I have been using quinine tablets that I got at Wild Oats. They seem to
be working.
I'd say lots of Calcium, Magnesium supplements but since the issue is
malabsortion, maybe epsom salts in the tub might help. My son gets them a
lot and light massage seems to help him get to sleep. They usually come
at night.
Vit B complex and gatorade -- followed by a good night sleep!

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