>>you would have a more compelling case against the consumption
>>of feedlot animals if you could show that it caused an elevation of
>>the more relevant CRP and homocysteine levels.
>Peter, I leave that up to you - I'm not really interested in farmed
>animals since I don't eat them.
Actually, I was trying to point out how you are using farmed animals
to avoid looking at the whole picture. You have a track record on this
list of doing this repeatedly on a number of issues and I cannot help
but wonder if you are really here to try to justify being a vegetarian,
the logic being that if you can stand your ground on this list, then it is ok
for you not to eat meat even though you know that you really need it.
Of course, I could be projecting - if you knew for how long I was a vegetarian,
you would be green with envy. ;-)