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Adelaide Fiske <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 09:21:50 -0600
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** Please visit our website: http://www.africanassociation.org **

My sincere condolences to the parents, siblings, relatives, and friends
of the late Olamide Adeyooye and the Nigerian Community for a life full
of promise yet tragically so short. May her soul rest in peace and and
the Great unseen Hand guide and sustain surround those left behind.

Adelaide Fiske

>>> [log in to unmask] 10/27/05 9:54 AM >>>
May Her Soul Rest In Perfect Peace!

The Daily Vidette - News
Issue: 10/27/05


Police announce Mississippi body is Adeyooye
By Mick Swasko

Normal Police announced Wednesday that the body found in the burnt down
Mississippi chicken coop is in fact the body of missing ISU student
Olamide Adeyooye.

"On Oct. 24, the Normal Police Department was contacted by the Newton
County Sheriff's office," Normal Police Chief Kent Crutcher said at a
press conference.

"Based on this information, dental records were obtained and sent to a
forensic dentist working with the Newton County Medical Examiner.

"On today's date, we have received confirmation that the body recovered
in Newton County, Mississippi, is that of Olamide Adeyooye."

NPD Lieutenant Mark Kotte said at present time no information is being
released about the condition of the body, but said an autopsy has been

According to the Associated Press, the Newton County Sheriff's office
said they believe Adeyooye was dead before she was placed in the barn
and most likely died in Illinois. Newton County Sheriff Jackie Knight
said it did not appear that any sexual assault had occurred.

Kotte said two Normal investigators have been sent to Mississippi and
an active search still continues for Adeyooye's green Toyota Corolla.

"We still have a list of persons of interest," Kotte said, adding he
could not comment on what relationship the persons of interest have with
Adeyooye, but that some will be re-interviewed. At this time, there have
been no suspects named in the investigation.

Kotte also said although the investigation has not officially labeled
the fire as an arson, the department said they believe Adeyooye's body
was placed in the building and burned.

"[Finding the body] means a lot to the investigation," Kotte said. "It
is a major key piece of the investigation and of course finding the body
of Olamide steers our investigation in certain directions which I can't
comment on."

Among officials at today's press conference were Supervisory Special
Agent of the FBI Terry Scott and Normal Mayor Chris Koos. ISU President
Al Bowman was also present to deliver a statement.

"It is with deep and profound sadness that we learn of the death of
Olamide Adeyooye," Bowman said.

"As we mourn her passing and try to make sense of what is sometimes
unexplainable, we ask everyone in the university to keep Olamide's
family and friends in their thoughts and prayers."

Bowman asked that students talk to people close to them and share their
feelings about the case.

"During this troubling time for our campus community, it is important,
more important than ever, that we come together as a family."

Bowman added ISU's police force of 23 officers are extra vigilant and
any fears parents may have about safety should be rested.

"I feel we have a very secure campus environment," he said.

Adeyooye had been missing since Oct. 13, where she was last seen at
Family Video. She was 21 years old.

At this time, Adeyooye's parents have not release a statement about the
death of their daughter.

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