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Tue, 23 Nov 2004 13:53:10 -0500
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Diplomatic chronicle : By Ben Ismaël


Do you know the French networks of the destabilization?


The French oil company Elf is present in Africa, and particularly solid in
Africa Centrale. But what the African opinion does not know, it is that the
Elf group, does not sell only oil, but it constitutes without false shame,
the network of destabilization of the African modes. Moreover, this force
French presence of destabilization, finds also its roots, among the
African, ridiculous opponents in the political management of their country.
The French network of destabilization in Africa is also consisted of the
French companies like Paribas, with more than two thousand people, divided
into eighty agencies in Africa. Paribas carries out million Euros of
benefit. Paribas kills to some extent 80% of the shares of the African
banking markets, remains the Bici banks, created expressly, within the West
African community to control the national economy. The essence of this
banking network of political and economic destabilization extends
especially on Mali, Burkina, Senegal, Gabon, Guinea-Conakry, Ivory Coast.
It is necessary to add to this banking network of the destabilization, some
African businessmen former civils servant of UNO, the WHO, the UNICEF which
sell their country, kill the economy, and ensure a return of the French
investors on the African ground. In Abidjan, Dakar, Bamako, Ouagadougou,
Libreville, these businessmen African are assets impossible to circumvent
of Paris. But actually, in fact the French companies of oil exploitation
known Elf are the dangerous pl custom. Because quite simply, that makes it
possible in Paris to secure a perfect control of this Etat…Tel is the case
of the Head of the Gabonese State Omar Bongo, of her young son-in-law, the
Congolese Sassou Nguesso. With the eyes of Chirac, Gabon or Congo
Brazzaville, is States not to be destabilized because the Elysium gains
there to eat. Chirac is over there with a perfect matter of safety, even if
Bongo is implied in financial scandals with Elf Cité several times, the
Head of the Gabonese State had channeled important financial flows in
connection with Elysée…Plusieurs time challenged during the Elf lawsuit in
Paris, Bongo never appeared with the bar. It is protected by different
Jacques Chirac unpunished activist from the Elf group. With the analysis,
after Houphouët-Boigny, the destabilization of French-speaking Africa is
articulated today around Omar Bongo. Sometimes in Paris to take
recommendations, with Abuja to put in Obassanjo error in the management of
the Union Af ricaine, at Sassou Nguesso to make sure that the French
companies Elf pump truly the Congolese economy. Thus the Elysium controls
West African Africa and remote power station, since Paris… And like the
Head of the State of the Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo does not want to place
at the disposal of Chirac, the oil resources of Large-Bassam, San-Pédro,
and the gas layer of Jacqueville, its head is put at prix…C' is to say, in
light, that the economic future of the African countries, is not the
business of Chirac. Its preoccupation with an effectiveness, it is to
reinforce the "black case" of the Elysium and to pass from very beautiful
holidays on the Mediterranean coasts. On the whole, the destabilization of
Africa will continue and Chirac can be pleased with her partnership with
Omar Bongo of which the rate of credibility does not exceed any more 30% in
its own country where Bongo cut a fundamental law with its mesure…  

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