Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
mark wilson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 10:06:52 -0700
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
--- Keith Thomas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Two evening meals a week I have a high carb
(100->300g) meal of starches (sweet potato, parsnip,
taro, >carrot, yams - not the common potato) and fresh
>fruit (this meal is to stimulate the insulin
>occasionally without turning my body away from the
>Paleo norm of fat- burning).

Are you saying that your carb meal keeps you in fat
burning mode because it's paleo?  I thought carbs were
burned as carbs regardless of the source, excluding
fructose of course.

I'm pretty good about not cheating except when I have
my two weekly high carb meals.  My goal when carbing
up is to maximize glycogen storage since I play 2 man
beach volleyball for approx 3 hours twice a week. If I
don't load my glycogen stores I can hit the wall
pretty fast.  I use brown rice which gets the job done
efficiently without any allergies, indigestion, etc..

> The amount of discipline I find I need is zilch.
>It doesn't seem exceptional to me  just fun, and I
>feel good about what I'm eating.

Agreed!  What I meant by exceptional was the quality
of your diet, not your discipline in sticking with it.
I personally have no discipline problems either.  I
enjoy the hunting and gathering aspect of locating
paleo foods, preparing, and eating them..

I think once you've gone hardcore it's hard to go
back.  I can see how healthy I am relative to my
peers.  We all crossed the 40 year old mark a couple
of years ago.  My old Volleyball partner, who is two
months younger than me, recently quit due to knee,
back, and pot belly problems.  He couldn't keep up
anymore.  I'm actually getting better as a player and
have no problem cutting it with the 20 year olds.
Thats all the motivation I need.


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