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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Eva Hedin <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 Jun 2003 22:53:49 +0200
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathryn Rosenthal" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Any Only Meat Eaters Out There

> I don't think trichinosis is much of an issue in the U.S., but we are

We've had troubbles with our mouse/elks in Sweden but it is thought to
depend on lack of a mineral, not to parasites.

> I try to feed my dog a raw diet as much as possible, but was a bit
>  I know that rabbits should not be eaten during
> certain months - their livers will show spots confirming Tularhemia (no
> how to spell it).

Telaraemia/tularemia it says in Collins dictionary is a bacterial desease
transmitted to man by infected ticks or flies or by handling contaminated
flesh. Signs are fever, chills and inflammation of the lymph glands, also
called rabbit fever.
This are signs that will not pass unnoticed.
But not all signs are that obvious.  Wild animals with
> "mad cow" type diseases do not show obvious signs - other than loss of
> control in the final stages, do they?

I looked at one internet page about cleansing and parasites. It said that if
you had the variety of symptoms that the body can show, being hot, being
itchy, being bloated, being achy and so forth, etc you would probably be
infected by parasites. FORTUNATELY this home page owner had come in
possession of the secret and ancient recipe that could solv this parasite
problem. UNFORTUNATELY they could not part with this for free etc, etc. I
think you know what I am getting at. Don't buy this. Put your money on food,
good food and if you get parasites an ordinary boring medically educated
doctor can ordinate you the medicin and it is not even expensive.
When I came home from the former Leningrad, now S:t Petersburg I had been
infected by Giardia Lambia, excuse the spelling. It was a parasite that is
too small for the cleaning system that was cleansing the river Neva from
which the city took its water. It was practically impossible not to get
infected, you would only have to eat a lettuce or something. Well, it was
cured by a pill or two, I can't remember. This was in 1984.