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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ingrid Bauer/Jean-Claude Catry <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 23:46:27 -0800
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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> jean-claude:
> > my gums are receding badly since i started to eat more
> > meats and cut down  drastically in fruits .
> That's surprising. I have repeatedly heard of (and experienced) the
> opposite.

me too and am puzzled .
> I am completely ignorant of addison's and cortison, but share your
> since your experience is so contrary.

addison disease occur when 95 % of the cortex of the adrenal glands are
innefective .In my case as in many( in fact it is supposed to be rare but i
think it is becoming not so) who have this disease , have an autoimmune
cause .
without artificial cortisol supplementation death is insured ( few hours
without cortisol in blood is enough )
may be only dr Bernard  Zovluck will think differently about that one .I
have in fact some experience that could makes me believe it .but i have also
experience just before diagnosis to go from crises state to normal again and
back to crises months later.
I almost died from crises 5 times over the 22 years that i have the
condition .and am taking cortisone for as long .
the expected side effect of long term cortisone therapy is osteoporosis ( i
learned that only few years ago ,they never told me that ).
50 differents molecules( i have been told ) are secreted by the adrenal
cortex .the main ones are cortisol, dhea, aldosterone some sex hormone .
aldosterone is regulating salt levels between cells and extracellular fluids
, leading by its absence to loss of sodium ( and so dehydratation and death)
cortisol is vital for glucid,lipis and protein metabolism ).
Because of sodium wasting all addisionian are just attracted instinctivelly
toward highly salted foods ( a good way to prediagnose) and so am eating lot
of salt .
as long i was eating purelly instinctivelly my salt intake was quite
reasonable( i could even go for months without any salt intake ) since i eat
seasonned salad i have hard time to not enter a viscious cycle of
i suppose demineralisation could be a consequence of high salt .

> Osteoperosis (sp?)? Gosh, if you are suffering from bone loss with the
> addison's, even with your stellar diet and relatively young age, you gotta
> look into medical treatments, no? Granted, finding a treatment that would
> work without f-ing you up might be hard, but there's gotta be some folks
> there _somewhere_ who could help.

my doctors want to give me calcium supplement but i don't really believe in
it suspecting even triggering more bone loss . i eat a lot of greens ,wild
ones too that have generally way more calcium than domestic ones .
> Would eating thyroid glands be too simplistic? Hard to find regularly (of
> high quality). Have you tried other thyroid supplements?

i have also no functionning thyroid because in fact am suffering of
polyglandular syndrome (and could become diabetic even ) i am taking thyroid
supplementation for at least 17 years and am very unhappy with the drug that
is given that is not even the same molecule than the natural one : thyroxine
i am hesitating taking the thyroid extract from animals because the way
animals are raised ( it is generally pigs ) and more important because it
could trigger more autoimmune damage . I eat thyroid glands raw as much i
can put my hand on ( i could even have a  good supply of  lamb thyroid if i
was making the effort of harvesting the heads )

 I must sound pretty
> ignorant, as surely you have researched every option, but, gosh, it's hard
> to believe that bone loss, or gum problems, would be a single symptom in
> isolation. There are some post-raw and post-paleo foods that seem to
> calcium absorption for many (soup stocks, fish and other bones).

I am actually experimenting with that a good way to recycle all the bones i
am dealing with .

> Has your son's permanent teeth come in yet? Are they OK? Maybe there is a
> genetic component?

they are coming and look normal so far , there is definivelly my mother
affected badly with gum diseases and has also hypothyroidy as 7 other
members of my direct familly.( sisters and their childrens )
> What are your theories on the matter? What do you think the origins of the
> addison disease is?

as many autoimmune disease i suspect foreign molecules acting as triggers
for the humans system to bcome overactive chronically and against the
tissues that are impregnated by thoses molecules ( in may case the endocrine
glands ) food born foreign molecules but also vaccinations , and chemicals
of any kind ( who are also known as hormones disruptors ).
I have also a personal theory that will be interesting to verify( unhappilly
there is very few research done on addison disease ,no money there unlike
diabetes or other popular endocrine disorders )
I see my self running on high cortisol secretion during all my childhood (
litterrally running all the time ) i also played soccer semiprofessionally
so was using up good and preventing some damage .
the problems started to arised when i quit soccer and  the studies to be a
sport teatcher .without  physical outlet and following a big emotional
stress this high secretion of cortisol ,that is damaging to the body ,
triggered the autoimmune system in shuting down those crazy glands .Make
sense to me . In 3 years i went from an athletic condition to a  vegetable
life and almost death .
There is a big emotional origin to the disease IMO. One caracteristic of
addisioninan is,  physiologically originated for sur but to feel
overwhelmed .any stimulus can become too much .It is a way of withdrawing
from life ( litterally) It is also anger turned inward .depression is a big
one . I am naturally optimistic but latelly it is catching me up .
