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African Association of Madison, Inc.


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"AAM (African Association of Madison)" <[log in to unmask]>
Joseph Brewoo <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 13:47:03 -0600
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"AAM (African Association of Madison)" <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi K.C.

Greetings from Madison.

Thanks for these laudable ideas, we will surely link up with you to put
these suggestions into fruition. AAM needs to move forward and it will
require the efforts of all us.

As I have always said, when we all put our efforts together we will
build a better AAM which we all earnestly want to see. No need for
anybody to sit on the fence and look at what others can do. This is our
Association and it belongs to us as a group but not a handful of
members, we can make it the way we want.

This is a clarion call to all AAM members and associates to contibute
to the development of the Association.

So I expect a full house at the Saturday December 1, meeting (Mills
Neighbourhood house) for us to democratically elect new officers for
the coming year. Apathy will only keep us at where we are and will
thwart our efforts in building a viable association.

Thank you and see you all on Saturday.

Joe Brewoo
Vice President, AAM

---------------------- Reply Separator ----------------------
Subject: Re: AS  AAM  MOVES  FORWARD...
Author: "AAM (African Association of Madison)"
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: 11/27/01 7:24 AM


I bring good news from Dallas and as AAM is working to move forward,
you have
my support.  Below are some ideas that I have had for a while for the
Not knowing how they would be received has caused my hesitation about
them but I thought I share them with you anyway.

1.) After doing some research on available domain names, the following
are available for AAM to choose from:


Any of these would replace the current site link that AAM has:
EComp Solutions will gladly host the site at no cost to AAM.  The web
site would also need
some renovation.  We were thinking of converting it into a "frameless"
site but we would need
additional volunteers this time to get it up to speed.

2.) Consider using yahoogroups for the email list.  This idea was
suggested longtime
ago by brother Abu-Hassan.  Moderators will still be in charge of the
email system but
members of the list would have more flexibility or options on how they
would like their
emails delivered.  Some of such options are:

a) Individual emails   -  Send individual email messages (this is the
default option)
b) Daily digest   -  Send many emails in one message
c) Only special announcements   -  Only send important update emails
from the group moderator
d) No email   -   No email would be sent to member, he or she would
read the messages at the Web site

Many of you are already using Yahoogroups email system and know how
simple it is to use and the
moderator role is nothing new to brothers like Joe, Abu-Hassan, Ray,
and Katim to mention a few.

3.) AAM Logo contest among AAM younger ones - part of the many ways to
get our
children involved.  The winner and runner up will receive a gift
certificate each to
either Best Buy or Barnes and Nobles.  AAM will appoint the judges to
pick the logo that
best reflects the association.  This logo would be used on the
renovated web site.

Although I am no longer in Madison, I would be glad to help in
whichever way I can as time
permits.  Between family and the fast paced nature of my field, I
really do not have the time
but I try to make time when it comes to issues concerning Africa and
her people.  I am strong
with my opinions but mean no harm so please take this email for what it
is as AAM moves forward.

Take care all and remain blessed,

Kelechi Eke

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.

<P><FONT size=3>Greetings,</FONT></P> <P><FONT size=3>I bring good news from Dallas and as AAM is working to move forward, you have<BR>my support.&nbsp; Below are some ideas that I have had for a while for the association.&nbsp; <BR>Not knowing how they would be received has caused my hesitation about sharing <BR>them but I thought I share them with you anyway.</FONT></P> <P><FONT size=3><STRONG>1.)</STRONG> After doing some research on available domain names, the following domains<BR>are available for AAM to choose from:</FONT></P> <P><FONT size=3>http://www.aamsite.org<BR>http://www.africamadison.org<BR>http://www.africaassociation.org <BR>http://www.africanassociation.org</FONT></P> <P><FONT size=3>Any of these would replace the current site link that AAM has:&nbsp; <A href="http://www.danenet.wicip.org/aam" target=_blank>http://www.danenet.wicip.org/aam</A><BR>EComp Solutions will gladly host the site at no cost to AAM.&nbsp; The web site would also need <BR>some renovation.&nbsp; We were thinking of converting it into a "frameless" site but&nbsp;we would need <BR>additional volunteers this time to get it up to speed.<BR></FONT></P> <P><FONT size=3><STRONG>2.) </STRONG>Consider using yahoogroups for the email list.&nbsp; This idea was suggested longtime <BR>ago by brother Abu-Hassan.&nbsp; Moderators will still be in charge of the email system but <BR>members of the list would have more flexibility or options on how they would like their <BR>emails delivered.&nbsp; Some of such options are:</FONT></P> <P><FONT size=3>a) Individual emails&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp; Send individual email messages (this is the default option)<BR>b) Daily digest&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp; Send many emails in one message<BR>c) Only special announcements&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp; Only send important update emails from the group moderator<BR>d) No email&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp; No email would be sent to member,&nbsp;he or she would&nbsp;read the messages at the Web site<BR><BR>Many of you are already using&nbsp;Yahoogroups email system and know how simple it is to use and the<BR>moderator role is nothing new to brothers like Joe, Abu-Hassan, Ray, and Katim to mention a few.<BR><BR><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><FONT size=3><STRONG>3.)</STRONG> AAM Logo contest among AAM&nbsp;younger ones - part of the many ways&nbsp;to get our <BR>children involved.&nbsp; The winner and runner up will receive a gift certificate each to <BR>either Best Buy or Barnes and Nobles.&nbsp; AAM will appoint the judges to pick the logo that <BR>best reflects the association.&nbsp; This logo would be used on the renovated web site.</FONT></P></SPAN></FONT> <P><FONT size=3><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Although I am no longer&nbsp;in Madison, I would be glad to help in whichever way I can as time <BR>permits.&nbsp; Between family and the fast paced nature of my field, I really do not have the time <BR>but I try to make time when it comes to issues&nbsp;concerning Africa and her people.&nbsp; I am strong<BR>with my opinions but mean no harm so please take this email for what it is as AAM moves forward.</SPAN></FONT></P> <P><FONT size=3><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Take care all and remain blessed,</SPAN></FONT></P> <P><FONT size=3><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Kelechi Eke<BR><A href="http://www.africansnetwork.com">http://www.africansnetwork.com</A><BR><A href="http://www.ecompsolutions.com">http://www.ecompsolutions.com</A></SPAN></FONT></P> <P><FONT size=3><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P> <P><FONT size=3><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P> <P><FONT size=3><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"></SPAN>&nbsp;</P> <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p></SPAN>&nbsp;</P></FONT><p><br><hr size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br> <a href="http://geocities.yahoo.com/ps/info1">Yahoo! GeoCities</a> - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.