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Wed, 29 Jan 2003 12:32:06 EST
text/plain (36 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Good Morning,

I received more than 25 e-mail answers to my question about corn gluten.
Thanks for your kindness.  In summary :

All of them said, unless you have a corn allergy, no need to worry about corn

One of them went into more detail so I have copied it here.  I did not get
the author's permission to do so, therefore I have omitted the name.  Hope
that's OK with the author.

Gluten is a term that means the substance that binds in grains.  It is the
gliadin a part of the specific gluten in Wheat barley and rye that is
problematic for celiacs.  Oats are a problem do to the high level of cross
contamination with other grains.

So, when we as a celiac community, say gluten we mean one thing.  But the
word actually has a broader meaning.

The bottom line is, unless you have a problem with corn or corn gluten
specifically, the term corn gluten does not refer to anything that is
problematic for celiacs.

Glad to put that question to rest and thanks for your kindness in replying.

Blessings   \o/ Jean from Bucks County, Pa.

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*