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Tue, 6 Jul 2004 12:55:21 -0400
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Just sent you a message from AOL returning my email to Bobby. Sorry for using you as an 'immediary'. :(

Personally, I'm delighted Kerry chose Edwards. :)  I've always liked him as a moderate Dem.


-----Original Message-----
From: ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Jul 6, 2004 12:50 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: hope you had a good day.

  i'll try to remember to send kats post to you. lots
of strange stuff happening on the list lately.
  well, bobby, don't appoligise for disagreeing. that
is every ones right. but, i have to point out that we
are not getting oil from iraq right now. so if it was
about oil it surely has dismally failed.
  i do not find it stange that the organized terrist
are there. there was training being done at salmon pac
for years for how to hijack airliners. there was
another train camp near the iraq/iran border. saddam
has paid the families of suicide bombers for quite
some time. more have been free to come in from syria
and iran. so what is strange?
  georgia is bush country right now. i do see bushes
warts. i disagree with several things he has done, but
if it is between he and kerry, and it is, i'll have to
go with bush becouse kerry don't hold one position
long enough to be sure what he will do.
   hey guys what about that veep canidate? i thought
he'd choose gephart.

--- [log in to unmask] wrote:
> Hi,
>     I ask a favor of you guys on the list. Since I
> do not receive Kat's post
> for reasons I do not understand, please forward them
> to me. Being in Texas,
> most people are pro-Bush. I do believe the Iraq war
> was more about oil than
> freedom. It is quite strange that there are more
> organized terrorists in Iraq now
> than before our "war of liberation". Sorry, Ken, I
> know that we disagree
> here. I will say I will vote for Bush over Kerry.
> Bobby

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