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Print Reply
"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
Michael Obrien <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 2 Aug 2003 08:13:10 -0500
Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (811 lines)

Thanks for this info.  It is a gigantic step forward in delivering access
to instructional materials to the blind.  It is unclear though how this
law will be enforced if a publisher either refuses to provide files or
simply takes no position but ignores all requests.  What will happen

Also the bill requires that if a student receives a file that it be
copyproof.  This sounds great in theory but difficult to pull off
technologically, as any record company executive can attest.  What is
contemplated here?  For audio access of a digital file, the only thing I
can think of that offers 24/7 access is for the end user to access the
file over a network with a self-voicing application, so the end user
never possesses the file in the first place.  However, this output could
be captured with Total Recorder, creating a copy. <grin>


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Obrien" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 1:15 PM
Subject: S3306 Nys college instructional materials access bill

>         Below is the information you need on the College instructional
> materials access bill for students with print impairments. =20
> Mike
> NYS Legislature
> Legislative Information
> =A0 =A0Bill No.
> S3306-A
> =A0 =A02003
> Search
> =A0
> Status
> =A0
> Text
> =A0
> Summary
> =A0
> Sponsors Memo
> =A0
> Voting
> Return to:
> Main Menu
> Education Law
> TITLE....Requires publishers and manufacturers of instructional
> materials for students to provide electronic copies of such material
> use by disabled persons 03/24/03 REFERRED TO INVESTIGATIONS AND
> CAL.1356 06/18/03 PASSED SENATE 06/18/03 DELIVERED TO ASSEMBLY 06/18/03
> referred to governmental operations 06/20/03 substituted for a6216a
> 06/20/03 ordered to third reading rules cal.1193 06/20/03 passed
> assembly 06/20/03 returned to senate 07/17/03 DELIVERED TO GOVERNOR
> table end
> 06/18/03
> S3306-A
> Senate Vote
> Aye: 62
> Nay: 0
> 06/20/03   S3306-A    Assembly Vote   Yes: 144   No : 0
> Table with 8 columns and 39 rows
> =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0
> Yes
> Abbate
> Yes
> Acampora
> ER
> Alfano
> Yes
> Arroyo
> Yes
> Aubertine
> Yes
> Aubry
> Yes
> Bacalles
> Yes
> Barclay
> Yes
> Barra
> Yes
> Barraga
> Yes
> Benjamin
> Yes
> Bing
> Yes
> Boyland
> Yes
> Bradley
> Yes
> Brennan
> Yes
> Brodsky
> Yes
> Brown
> Yes
> Burling
> Yes
> Butler
> Yes
> Cahill
> Yes
> Calhoun
> Yes
> Canestrari
> Yes
> Carrozza
> Yes
> Casale P
> AB
> Christensen
> Yes
> Clark
> Yes
> Cohen A
> Yes
> Cohen M
> Yes
> Colton
> Yes
> Conte
> ER
> Cook
> Yes
> Crouch
> Yes
> Cusick
> Yes
> Cymbrowitz
> Yes
> DelMonte
> Yes
> Destito
> Yes
> Diaz L
> Yes
> Diaz R
> Yes
> DiNapoli
> Yes
> Dinowitz
> Yes
> Eddington
> Yes
> Englebright
> Yes
> Errigo
> Yes
> Espaillat
> Yes
> Farrell
> Yes
> Ferrara
> Yes
> Finch
> Yes
> Fitzpatrick
> Yes
> Galef
> Yes
> Gantt
> Yes
> Gianaris
> Yes
> Glick
> Yes
> Gordon
> Yes
> Gottfried
> Yes
> Grannis
> Yes
> Green
> Yes
> Greene
> Yes
> Grodenchik
> Yes
> Gromack
> Yes
> Gunther
> Yes
> Hayes
> Yes
> Heastie
> Yes
> Higgins
> Yes
> Hikind
> Yes
> Hooker
> Yes
> Hooper
> Yes
> Hoyt
> Yes
> Jacobs
> Yes
> John
> ER
> Karben
> Yes
> Kaufman
> Yes
> Kirwan
> Yes
> Klein
> Yes
> Kolb
> Yes
> Koon
> Yes
> Labriola
> Yes
> Lafayette
> Yes
> Lavelle
> Yes
> Lentol
> Yes
> Levy
> Yes
> Lifton
> Yes
> Lopez
> Yes
> Magee
> Yes
> Magnarelli
> Yes
> Manning
> Yes
> Markey
> Yes
> Mayersohn
> ER
> McDonald
> Yes
> McDonough
> Yes
> McEneny
> Yes
> McLaughlin
> Yes
> Miller
> Yes
> Millman
> Yes
> Mills
> Yes
> Mirones
> Yes
> Morelle
> Yes
> Nesbitt
> Yes
> Nolan
> Yes
> Norman
> Yes
> Oaks
> Yes
> O'Connell
> Yes
> O'Donnell
> Yes
> Ortiz
> Yes
> Ortloff
> Yes
> Parment
> Yes
> Paulin
> Yes
> Peoples
> Yes
> Peralta
> Yes
> Perry
> Yes
> Pheffer
> Yes
> Powell
> Yes
> Prentiss
> Yes
> Pretlow
> Yes
> Raia
> Yes
> Ramos
> Yes
> Reilich
> Yes
> Rivera J
> Yes
> Rivera P
> Yes
> Robinson
> Yes
> Sanders
> Yes
> Sayward
> Yes
> Scarborough
> Yes
> Schimminger
> Yes
> Scozzafava
> Yes
> Seddio
> ER
> Seminerio
> Yes
> Sidikman
> Yes
> Smith
> Yes
> Spano
> Yes
> Stephens
> Yes
> Straniere
> Yes
> Stringer
> Yes
> Sweeney
> Yes
> Tedisco
> Yes
> Thiele
> Yes
> Titus
> Yes
> Tocci
> Yes
> Tokasz
> Yes
> Tonko
> Yes
> Towns
> Yes
> Townsend
> Yes
> Warner
> Yes
> Weinstein
> Yes
> Weisenberg
> Yes
> Weprin
> Yes
> Winner
> Yes
> Wirth
> Yes
> Wright
> Yes
> Young
> Yes
> Mr. Speaker
> table end06/18/03   S3306-A    Senate Vote    Aye: 62   Nay: 0
> Table with 8 columns and 17 rows
> =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0
> Aye
> Alesi
> Aye
> Andrews
> Aye
> Balboni
> Aye
> Bonacic
> Aye
> Breslin
> Aye
> Brown
> Aye
> Bruno
> Aye
> Connor
> Aye
> DeFrancisco
> Aye
> Diaz
> Aye
> Dilan
> Aye
> Duane
> Aye
> Farley
> Aye
> Flanagan
> Aye
> Fuschillo
> Aye
> Golden
> Aye
> Gonzalez
> Aye
> Hannon
> Aye
> Hassell-Thompson
> Aye
> Hoffmann
> Aye
> Johnson
> Aye
> Krueger
> Aye
> Kruger
> Aye
> Kuhl
> Aye
> Lachman
> Aye
> Larkin
> Aye
> LaValle
> Aye
> Leibell
> Aye
> Libous
> Aye
> Little
> Aye
> Maltese
> Aye
> Marcellino
> Aye
> Marchi
> Aye
> Maziarz
> Aye
> McGee
> Aye
> Meier
> Aye
> Mendez
> Aye
> Montgomery
> Aye
> Morahan
> Aye
> Nozzolio
> Aye
> Onorato
> Aye
> Oppenheimer
> Aye
> Padavan
> Aye
> Parker
> Aye
> Paterson
> Aye
> Rath
> Aye
> Robach
> Aye
> Sabini
> Aye
> Saland
> Aye
> Sampson
> Aye
> Schneiderman
> Aye
> Seward
> Aye
> Skelos
> Aye
> Smith A
> Aye
> Smith M
> Aye
> Spano
> Aye
> Stachowski
> Aye
> Stavisky
> Aye
> Trunzo
> Aye
> Velella
> Aye
> Volker
> Aye
> Wright
> table end
> SAMPSON, SCHNEIDERMAN, M. SMITH Add Art 15-B S715, Ed L Requires
> publishers and manufacturers of instructional materials for students to
> provide electronic copies of such material for use by disabled persons.
>                 STATE OF NEW YORK
> 3306--A
> 2003-2004 Regular Sessions
>                     IN SENATE
> March 24, 2003
> ___________
> Introduced  by  Sens.  PATERSON,  BROWN,  HASSELL-THOMPSON,
> OPPENHEIMER, SAMPSON, SCHNEIDERMAN, M. SMITH -- read twice and ordered
> printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Investi-
> gations  and  Government  Operations  --  committee  discharged,  bill
> amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-
> tee
> AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to publishers or
> turers providing printed instructional materials for college  students
> with  disabilities;  and  providing  for the repeal of such provisions
> upon expiration thereof
> The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
> bly, do enact as follows:
> 1    Section  1.  The education law is amended by adding a new article
> 15-B
> 2  to read as follows:
> 3                                 ARTICLE 15-B
> 4                         HIGHER EDUCATION TEXTBOOKS
> 5  Section 715. Instructional materials; students with disabilities.
> 6    =A7 715. Instructional materials; students with disabilities.
> For
> 7  purposes  of  this section, the following words shall have the
> following 8  meanings: (a) "College" means college as defined in
> subdivision  two of 9  section six hundred one of this chapter;
> 10    (b)  "Instructional  material  or materials" means textbooks and
> other
> 11  materials written and published primarily for use by students in
> postse-
> 12  condary instruction that  are  required  or  essential  to  a
> student's 13  success  in  a  course  of study in which a student with
> disability is 14  enrolled. The determination of which materials are
> "required  or
> essen-
> 15  tial  to student success" shall be made by the instructor of the
> course. 16  "Instructional material or  materials"  shall  also
> nontextual 17  mathematics and science material wherever available
> software permits the 18  conversion  of  existing electronic files of
> the materials into a format
> EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
> [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD10591-06-3
> S. 3306--A                          2
> 1  that is compatible with  braille  translation  software  or
> alternative 2  media for students with disabilities.
> 3    (c) "Nonprinted instructional materials" means instructional
> materials
> 4  in  formats  other than print, and includes instructional materials
> that 5  require the availability of electronic equipment in order to be
> used as 6  a learning resource, including, but not necessarily limited
> to, software 7  programs, video disks, and video and audio tapes.
> 8    (d)  "Printed instructional material or materials" means
> instructional
> 9  material or materials in book or other printed form.
> 10    (e) "Structural integrity" means  all  of  the  printed
> instructional
> 11  material, including, but not limited to, the text of the material,
> side-
> 12  bars,  the  table  of  contents, chapter headings and subheadings,
> foot-
> 13  notes, pictures, illustrations, graphs, charts, indexes,
> and
> 14  bibliographies.   If good faith efforts fail  to  produce  an
> agreement
> 15  pursuant  to  subdivision  two  of this section between the
> publisher or 16  manufacturer and the commissioner as to an electronic
> format  that will 17  preserve the structural integrity of the printed
> instructional material, 18  the  publisher  or manufacturer shall
> provide the instructional material 19  in the most updated electronic
> format  taking  into  consideration the 20  recommendation made by the
> National Institute of Standards and
> Technolo-
> 21  gy  (NIST) and shall preserve as much of the structural integrity
> the 22  printed instructional material as possible.
> 23    (f) "Specialized format" means braille, audio, or digital text
> that is
> 24  exclusively for use by blind persons and students with  other
> disabili-
> 25  ties.
> 26    Nothing  in  this subdivision shall be construed to prohibit a
> college
> 27  from assisting a student with  a  disability  by  using  the
> electronic 28  version  of  printed  instructional  material  provided
> pursuant to this 29  section solely to transcribe or arrange for  the
> transcription  of the 30  printed  instructional  material  into
> braille.  In  the  event a
> tran-
> 31  scription is made, the college shall have the right to share the
> braille 32  copy of the printed instructional  material  with  other
> students with 33  disabilities.
> 34    2.  An  individual, firm, partnership or corporation that
> publishes or
> 35  manufactures printed  instructional  materials  for  students
> attending 36  college  shall  provide  for  purchase by students with
> disabilities any 37  printed instructional material in an electronic
> format  mutually agreed 38  upon  by  the  publisher  or  manufacturer
> and the commissioner. These 39  printed instructional materials  must
> be  converted  to  an electronic 40  format  using  the  most  updated
> software  technology available to the 41  public at that time.
> files or electronic versions  of printed 42  instructional  materials
> shall maintain the structural integrity of the 43  printed
> material, be compatible with commonly used braille 44  translation and
> speech synthesis software, and include  corrections and 45  revisions
> may be necessary. The computer files or electronic versions 46  of  the
> printed  instructional  material shall be available to students 47
> disabilities at a cost comparable to the printed version and in  a 48
> timely  manner,  upon  receipt of a written request that does all of
> 49  following:
> 50    (a) Certifies that the electronic version of the printed
> instructional
> 51  materials will be used by a student with a disability.
> 52    (b) Certifies that the student has a disability that prevents
> or
> 53  her from using standard instructional materials.
> 54    (c)  Certifies  that  the printed instructional material is for
> use by
> 55  the student in connection with a course in which he or she is
> registered 56  or enrolled at the college.
> S. 3306--A                          3
> 1    (d) Is signed by the coordinator of services for students  with
> disa-
> 2  bilities at the college or by the campus or college official
> responsible 3  for  monitoring  compliance  with the Americans with
> Disabilities Act of 4  1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) at the college.
> 5    3. An individual, firm, partnership or corporation specified in
> subdi-
> 6  vision  two  of  this  section may also require that, in addition to
> the 7  conditions enumerated above,  the  request  shall  include  a
> statement 8  signed by the student agreeing to both of the following:
> 9    (a)  He  or  she  will use the electronic copy of the printed
> instruc-
> 10  tional material in specialized  format solely for his or her own
> educa-
> 11  tional purposes.
> 12    (b)  He  or  she  will not copy or duplicate the printed
> instructional
> 13  material or electronic copy for use by others.
> 14    4. If a college permits a  student  to  directly  use  the
> electronic
> 15  version  of  an  instructional material, the disk or file shall be
> copy-
> 16  protected or the college shall  take  other  reasonable
> to 17  ensure  that  students  do not copy or distribute electronic
> versions of 18  instructional materials in violation of the Copyright
> Revisions  Act of 19  1976, as amended (17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq.).
> 20    5.  An  individual, firm, partnership or corporation that
> publishes or
> 21  manufactures nonprinted instructional materials for  students
> attending 22  college shall provide computer files or other electronic
> versions of the 23  nonprinted  instructional  materials  for use by
> students attending such 24  college subject to the same conditions set
> forth in subdivisions two and 25  three of this section for printed
> instructional materials, when
> technol-
> 26  ogy is available to convert these nonprinted instructional
> to 27  a  format  that  maintains  the  structural  integrity of the
> nonprinted 28  instructional materials that is compatible with braille
> translation and 29  speech synthesis software.
> 30    6.  Nothing  in  this  section shall be deemed to authorize any
> use of
> 31  instructional materials that would constitute an infringement  of
> copy-
> 32  right  under  the  Copyright Revision Act of 1976, as amended (17
> U.S.C. 33  Sec. 101 et seq.).
> 34    =A7 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth
> after
> 35  it shall have become a law and shall expire and  be  deemed
> 3 36  years after such effective date; provided, however, that
> imme-
> 37  diately the addition, amendment, and/or repeal of any rule or
> regulation 38  necessary  for  the  implementation of this act on its
> effective date is 39  authorized and directed to be made  and
> on  or  before such 40  effective date.
> submitted in accordance with Senate Rule VI. Sec 1
> =20
> =20
> TITLE OF BILL:  An act to amend the education law, in relation to
> publishers or manufacturers providing printed instructional materials
> for college students with disabilities; and providing for the repeal of
> such provisions upon expiration thereof
> =20
> PURPOSE:  To ensure that students with disabilities have full access to
> instructional materials used in colleges in New York state.
> =20
> SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS:  Section 1 amends the Education law to add a new
> Article 15B, section 715 requiring publishers and manufacturers of
> instructional material for students attending college in New York State
> to also make available--at comparable cost to the printed
> tronic versions of printed instructional materials.
> Includes a three-year sunset provision.
> =20
> JUSTIFICATION:  All students, including those with physical disabili-
> ties, deserve an equal to excel at their post-secondary education.
> bled students are often unable to obtain electronic versions of course
> materials required by the course instructor or in some cases, the mate-
> rials that are offered do not maintain the structural integrity of the
> original instructional materials. These students are therefore
> ently discriminated against and are unable to obtain the very materials
> that are essential for their success in the class.  This legislation is
> intended to ensure that students with disabilities attending a
> ondary institution in New York State have the same resources available
> to them as students without disabilities.
> =20
> LEGISLATIVE HISTORY:  2001-02: S.3726-A -- Referred to Investigations
> and Government Operations
> =20
> FISCAL IMPLICATIONS:  None to the State.
> =20
> EFFECTIVE DATE:  Takes effect 180 days after it becomes law. =20
> VICUG-L is the Visually Impaired Computer User Group List.
> To join or leave the list, send a message to
> [log in to unmask]  In the body of the message, simply
> "subscribe vicug-l" or "unsubscribe vicug-l" without the quotations.
>  VICUG-L is archived on the World Wide Web at

VICUG-L is the Visually Impaired Computer User Group List.
To join or leave the list, send a message to
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 VICUG-L is archived on the World Wide Web at