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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Keith Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 15:23:57 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 10:06, mark wilson wrote:

>--- Keith Thomas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>Two evening meals a week I have a high carb
>(100->300g) meal of starches (sweet potato, parsnip,
>taro, >carrot, yams - not the common potato) and fresh
>>fruit (this meal is to stimulate the insulin
>>occasionally without turning my body away from the
>>Paleo norm of fat- burning).
>Are you saying that your carb meal keeps you in fat
>burning mode because it's paleo?  I thought carbs were
>burned as carbs regardless of the source, excluding
>fructose of course.

No, what keeps me in fat burning mode is the relative infrequency of the
starches and their irregular occurrence.  Perhaps 'mode' is the wrong
metaphor.  It is more that I believe I keep my physiology basically
habituated to fat burning, while still giving it the benefits of adequate
insulin every now and then.

>I enjoy the hunting and gathering aspect
>of locating paleo foods, preparing,
>and eating them..

I'm fortunate in having one wholly-organic greengrocer and two with some
organic stock between home and work.  There are two organic butchers and
one of these is not far off the track, either.  My own organic garden is
being re-established now (landscaping) as a permaculture garden and
production will commence by Spring 2004.  I feel sorry for people in high-
rise apartments for whom a 7-11 is the main source of food. No wonder
people find it hard to stick to Paleo food!

>I can see how healthy I am relative to my
>peers.  We all crossed the 40 year old mark
>a couple of years ago.  My old Volleyball
>partner, who is two months younger than me,
>recently quit due to knee, back, and pot
>belly problems.  He couldn't keep up
>anymore.  I'm actually getting better
>as a player and have no problem cutting
>it with the 20 year olds.
>Thats all the motivation I need.

You are also living the Paleo way, by engaging in occasional vigorous
exercise (Paleo body) and playing co-operatively and competitively with
others (Paleo brain).  Keep it up!
