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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ingrid Bauer/Jean-Claude Catry <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 Jul 2003 03:07:38 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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> I feel exactly the same way about ripe papaya (green
> papaya is a different story ;)
> But when you say that the body is not ready to detox
> and that a specific food triggers elimination of
> another specific substance, this sounds to me more
> like the elimination of old toxins idea.

of not completelly metabolised and used molecules ( yes i believe that
organisms who are not genitically prepared to metabolise new molecules is
stuck with it for a while till he found a way ( bacterial , viral,
parasitic means or replacement by right molecules obtain from original foods
when the  uncorrect molecules are partially used as integral part of the

> So, all the raw foods that you ate for 8 years did not
> cause any detox symptoms?

the detox or more exactelly in my view the replacement of incorrect
molecules by completelly appropriate ones ,  happens without having to show
spectacular symptoms

 I'm asking because some diet
> gurus claim that one can only detox on an all raw
> diet.
> What is your experience with cooked foods after eating
> raw for so long?

it just don't feel the same , it is somehow not fully and wholly  satisfying
, something is off.
I used in my experiments only cooked foods that i have not been able to
obtain raw , i used frozen foods the same way ,just to enlarge the varieties
shrimps feel good but is not available in stores raw undenatured here or
rarelly ( frozen raw yes but they taste nothing ) so i eat sometimes cooked
ones .when i fish them myself at the season it is easy for me ,i gorge on
them raw and whole

> It's not just blending, but also the regimented
> overeating of the same foods.
> One possibility is that these foods (mainly raw meat,
> dairy, honey, and vegetable juice) are particularly
> good at eliminating stored toxins. In this case,
> they're "forcing" a beneficial detox. Kind of like
> your papaya expelling old dairy example..
> Another possibility is that the followers of Aajonus'
> diet are detoxing the foods that they're overeating.
> In this case, it's not really "detox" but an imbalance
> created by the diet..

i believe more the latter , i don't think at all that a spectacular "detox"
is necessarry nor even beneficial .

when i removed the last quarter of my mercury fillings i had a huge skin
reaction on my face and torso , i think i forced my body to suddenlly
eliminate mercury stored in my system as the immune system awaken from its
tolerance state ( when mercury was leaching daily inside my body ).
interesting is at that precise moment , i got a huge attraction to sword
fish and tuna for a week ( 2 fishes high in mercury level ) i never had
sword fish before or after that episode .
> The foods recommended by Aajonus would be very high in
> these beneficial organisms.. Are these organisms
> performing a service to their host?\

i think so because of their incredible capacity for dealing with all kinds
of conditions ,something specialised cells from more complex microrganisms
have lost .so bacterias could perform function that the host cells have not
genetically prepared to deal with .

in any ecosystem every organisms have a function to fulfill and no functions
are bad or good they just are .if bacterias are present in an organism it is
because they need to be there , complex organisms are allways striving to
keep themselves together till it is time to let go of this energy consuming
association of life forms ( it is what complex organisms are : an ecosystem
of many species )

> So are you saying that Instincto is a better/slower
> way to detox?

yes ! and may be quicker too in the long run , may be it is because i am
addisonian ( no adrenal cortex function ) and i can't deal with lot of
stress , but i am not into the roller coaster way of life .i like it
tranquil but permanent change .

And with chronic diseases, it is
> _necessary_ to detox in order to heal?

a body affected by a chronic disorder is an organsim out of balance
somewhere .and rebalancing means some eliminations from the body and
nourishment to the body .
I believe the natural hygiene idea that acutes diseases are an attempt to
rebalance to avoid deep malfunctions
and that many chronic disorders occur when thoses are repressed in their
expressions .( vaccination antibiotics or continuous malnourishment etc...)
so healing from a chronic disorders will require some acutes symptoms .
> There are no fasts on Aajonus' plan, there is some
> yo-yo dieting. First you gain fat to absorb your old
> toxins, then you lose it to eliminate them..

i used the parrallel of fast because it is often used as a means to force
eliminations .aajonus do its forcing thru flooding with nutrients .

> My question is: are these unwanted molecules recently
> acquired or toxins stored in the body..

both !

> The concepts of purity and redemption are
> psychologically important to a whole lot of people.
> Sure makes "a purifying diet" very marketable ;)

oh yes !
also the whole of medecine is feeding on that thought that healing occur
from the outside .
an organism is allways in the business to heal no matter how crooked its
functionning became , he is constantly striving to keep whole with what he
got as circonstances as abusive they can be .
Adressing thoses circonstances is the necessarry work i think , not adding
more unatural solutions to unaturals circonstances .It is an endless race
toward more unbalances.
how natural is it to look for disconfort, pain and sacrifices to resolve
disconforts pain and sacrifices ? to gain what ?
