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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Sep 2003 12:17:47 EDT
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Thanks for your responses!  I got lots of good ideas in a just a couple of
days. This is a much-compacted summary:

"pigs-in-a-blanket" using Chebe bread.  You could wrap them in foil and put
them by the fire to re-heat. Tasty Bite meals. They can be eaten cold directly
out of the
package if needed and are quite delicious.  Canned tuna, canned fruit, canned
meat.  Tubs of applesauce, pudding.  Peanut butter, crackers, mini rice
cakes, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, Atkins Advantage bars or Balance bars, dried
fruit, nuts, candy bars, boiled eggs. EnerG pretzels

Alpine Aire at http://www.alpineairefoods.com/  and Mountain House
(www.mountainhouse.com/) have freeze dried foods with a gluten-free selection.  Tasty
Bite and Tamarind Tree are Indian and Thai food in a pouch.  Thai Kitchen has
noodle packs, noodle bowls, and noodle entrees.  Gluten-Free Pantry has meal
cups, chicken primavera, stroganoff, chicken gumbo, and a black bean dish. ANDI
and Aunt Candice have protein bars, about 12 to 15 grams of protein each. Enjoy
Life  has grain rich snack bars too.

I make soups, grilled cheese, hot dogs, sloppy joes (no bun), chicken stir
fry, spaghetti (GF pasta), mac and cheese, either from scratch or box, my
daughter likes the one with the monkey on the front.  For breakfasts we make orange
juice pancakes with GF pantry muffing mix and use OJ instead of milk, very
tasty!!  Skippy Peanut Butter in squeezable tubes, and jelly in squeezable
containers. Balance Bars and fruit. Balance bars, plain tuna in the foil packs,
Valley Fresh canned white chicken is GF. They now also have it out in foil packs.
Hormel. Oats,  grits,  eggs bacon,   Keep your own skillet for  yourself.  We
used a hobo meal : hamburger,potatoes,carrots,  lots of spice, and anything
else that sounds good.   Wrap it all in heavy foil and lay it in the coals for
about 45 min. or so.  Sweet baby Rays BBQ sauce is good . also lots of
pickles.  Dill and Sweet Pemmican Recipes posted to rec.food.preserving by Jim Weller
(in Yellowknife)  http://www.paleofood.com/pemmican.txt toasted marshmallows,
hot dogs, burgers, bacon and eggs .....

The Vita Meal comes in 5 lb bags and only require the addition of boiling
water. The meals are both Kosher and Halal Certified  and with the addition of
either locally available meats and veggies the taste can be varied to suit any
situation. The food is processed in a dedicated GF facility in Utah. Check it
out at www.laroche.myNTCusa.com

Shopping list: can(s) of refried bean corn tortillas tomatoes baby carrots
lettuce small block sharp cheddar cheese olive oil balsamic vinegar assorted
fruit basil leaves and mint leaves from the garden GF Cereal and soy milk
marshmallows and chocolate, rice bran crackers Thai kitchen bowl of soups GF crackers
pine nuts sour cream hot sauce coffee hot chocolate tea eggs onions protein
bars avocado can of black olives box of potato leek soup apples Bananas

Bette Hagman's The Gluten-Free Gourmet, Revised Edition, and Carol Fenster's
Wheat-Free Recipes and Menus.  Buttermilk Pancakes (p. 212) and Rice Flour
Tortillas (p. 188).  For the pancakes, we mix up the dry ingredients in advance
and store in a double zip-lock bag.  The pancakes need eggs so they only work
for short camping trips where you can safely store them in a cooler; we put
vegetable oil and pancake syrup in small Tupperware containers so we only bring
what we'll need.  Mix all ingredients in a bowl and cook on a griddle.    The
tortillas can be brought on longer camping trips.  Again mix up the dry
ingredients and store in a zip lock bag.  The only other ingredient needed is water
(Bette calls for warm water, for camping we use cold -- it's a little lumpier
but still greant).  We pour the water into the dry ingredients right in the zip
lock bag and knead the bag to mix well.  Scoop out a small amount of batter
into the frying pan or griddle, pressing flat by hand (careful of the hot
pan!!!).  When done turn over and cook on the other side.  My husband makes up
several single-meal batches of tortilla mix and makes a batch fresh each meal.  My
husband likes to bring along those single-serve condiment containers from
fast food places; my son says the tortillas taste too good fresh from the pan to
require any condiments    We also make up GF cornbread (I use my favorite
non-GF recipe, substituting corn flour for the wheat flour and doubling the baking
soda) and GF cookies, freeze them (so they keep their shape) and then vacuum
seal them in single-day serving batches.

beef/turkey jerky, a trail mix I make with nuts, raisins, dried fruit,
dehydrated egg ( they have whole eggs and just whites at
http://www.eggstore.com/index.php?f=products).   I always take instant rice and instant potatoes to which
to can add things for a meal.

throw potatoes in tinfoil in the fire at night for potatoes with dinner and
open a can of soup to set in the coals and heat up - then pour over the potato.
cook up some fish ya catch and grill up. we just do turkey sandwiches during
the day.  lots of apples/pears for
snacks. burgers,  hotdogs, corn on the cob is great grilled over the fire
still in its husk.Pamela's pancake mix - just add milk and eggs. McCann's Irish
oats - some apples and walnuts in butter with brown sugar and put that on top
of oat meal for camping breakfasts. Pamela's GF Cookies - the Lundberg Farms
new Rice Chips that are like the real thing.We use one of those box popcorn
makers hot chocolate mix. you take a banana, split it open but leave it in the
peel.  pull the peel away a little bit from the cut
area.  stuff mini marshmallows and hershey's chocolate squares and a few
Tbls. of peanut butter inside, wrap up in tinfoil and stick in some hot coals for
a delicious snack. buy those sandwich irons and just keep a GF one,  you can
put GF bread inside, eggs/bacon, bread with pie filling makes great little pies
over the fire.

-tacos... all the fixings are easy to bring
-meats --freeze all meats in ziplock, then wrap bag in newspaper, then put in
another ziplock.  freeze your own water bottles
 You can buy 6-pack plastic egg containers from camping stores, etc.  Bumble
Bars that I buy from Mother Nature,
http://www.mothernature.com/shop/detail.cfm/sku/16134 -- lunch: hardboiled eggs and mayo to make egg salad.
Alternatively, I've brought Applegate luncheon meats in and made my own rollups using the
meat on the outside and cheese, lettuce, tomato, etc, on the inside and put
them in
plastic bags.

Dinners consist of grilled meat or fish. We have brought frozen lobster tails
from home (bought when they're on sale) and made chili lime butter to go
along with it. We also do rack of lamb, splitting one package between the two of
us. We simply cut it in half, 4 lamb chops per section, brush with olive oil,
sprinkle with Italian seasoning, and grill. Sometimes we have grilled fish,
such as tuna steaks brushed with olive oil.  salad fixings: lettuce, tomato,
carrot, onion, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper and italian seasoning.
And sometimes I bring frozen Cascadian Farms boil in the bag veggies and Trader
Joe's canned baked beans. Glutano chocolate creme sandwich cookies or an apple
sliced very thin, then drizzled with honey, cinnamon and chopped pecans.

Trader Joe's sells a 4-pack of buffalo burgers that are premade, frozen and
separated by paper. I believe Boar's Head beef hotdogs are GF.  my crackerless
smores:o)  i actually tried them on a plain rice cake last time which was
pretty good.

Pocket Stew: Have each person arrange the following raw ingredients according
to their preference on a large sheet of aluminum foil: onion pieces (put on
bottom), large hamburger patty (it tends to shrink a lot), carrots, potato
pieces, anything else is optional, but some people like other vegetables too. Fold
the foil carefully to make an airtight coals pocket. Wrap a second piece of
aluminum foil around the "pocket." Cook it in the of your campfire. It takes
around 20 minutes  Snacks:  hummus, tortilla chips,  green beans parboiled
cooked at home, canned chunk salmon, crackers, cream cheese, nuts Lunch: plain
sliced chicken cooked at home, hard boiled eggs, potato salad, cheese if you can
eat it  Dinner:  black bean taco salad (add the tortilla chips and lettucewhen
you eat it) - use for lunch too; lentil salad;  tacos; pasta (I like Tinkyada
spirals);  chili;  chicken/peppers/veg on rice.
fantastic foods - gf product list

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *