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Jamal Mazrui <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 10:06:45 +0400
text/plain (446 lines)
A company called Future Forms ( has made
a substantive effort to make electronically based forms accessible
to blind persons using screen readers.  Below is some info from its
web site.


 From the web page

FutureForms Presents

Thank you for visiting our sample form web page. Unlike paper
based forms, electronic forms are not very tangible. As a result
organizations such as yours have asked for some method to see
exactly what is meant by an electronic form. We have responded
to this request with the following program.

The Web Filler program is a freely distributable Filler program.
It will work functionally the same as the complete software
program except for a few key features, such as calculations,
database connectivity, and electronic signatures. If your users
require these additional features, then the complete software
program will be needed. However, from a proof of concept, and
possibly 30-40% of your users, this program will work just fine.
The only piece missing is your form(s), which we can assist you
with. For a summary of the JetForm Filler commands click here .

For visitors wanting to use this program and sample forms with
an assistive device, please note that we have verified that this
software is compatible with the following software, WinVision
97, WindowEyes, and JAWS 3.x. (If you are using another software
program, we may be able to assist you, please let us know.)

System Requirements:

       * 486 or higher
       * Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows NT
       * 8MB RAM or higher
       * 4MB hard disk space


To install, first select the appropriate link below based on the
version of Windows you are currently using. Save the file to
your local hard disk. Exit your Internet Browser. Run the file
that you downloaded (fillweb.exe). The file will self-extract
and begin the installation. Follow the installation instructions
that appear on the screen. Once installation is complete, you
may start the Filler from your Windows Desktop. For additional
information regarding this program, please see the readme.txt
file in the C:\JetForm directory.

Download JetForm Web Filler

Some of the features to look for on these forms:
  * WYSIWYG  look
  * Field Help
  * Forms can be printed to any LaserJet printer
  * Data entered on to the form can be saved and routed through
    any e-mail system
  * The variable data entered on the form and the static form
    itself are capable of being separated for greater
  * See FillerPro documentation, below, for more features that
    are available

The Following forms are available for viewing:
  * Purchase Requisition
  * HR Form
  * Memorandum

Additional Information

If you are new to the idea of electronic forms, you may have
other questions. You are certainly invited to contact us
directly at (616) 475-1227, or we have supplied a few white
papers that may be informative for you.

JetForm Filler Pro - An overview of the full product features
and capabilities (database connectivity, e-mail routing,
electronic signatures,etc.) (Adobe Acrobat .PDF)

FutureForms - An overview of FutureForms products and services
(MSWord .DOC)

Electronic Forms, A Strategic Implementation - An overview for
implementing electronic forms within an organization (MSWord

Thank you for trying our forms and visiting our web site. Be
sure to visit this page again. We will be adding new products as
they come available.

For comments, suggestions, and questions please contact us at
(616) 475-1227,  or e-mail.

 FutureForms Readme File

The following information is meant to supplement the
documentation sent along with the JetForm Filler 4.3 software.

1. After installation is complete a directory C:\JETFORM\FORMS
will exist. Copy all form files (.MDF) to this directory.
2. After installation is complete please take note of the
    a. To start a new form select "USE FORM". "OPEN DATA" is
used if you save the information that has been added to the form
in a separate file, and then later retrieved.
    b. In C:\JETFORM there is a file called JFILLER.INI. For
users of screen readers you should make the following changes
(after you make a copy of this file):
6. If you would like a descriptive menu available when a form is
opened, perform the following within the JFILLER.INI.
Our example is using the form MEMO.MDF, be sure to replace with
your form names. At the end of the JFILLER.INI file add the
        [Forms Category]

When the Filler form menu is started instead of a DOS type
filename appearing the description MENU will appear. Each form
can then have a complete description assigned to it in this

7. Common key stroke combinations:
    a. ALT/F - Open FILE category
    1. ALT/F/O - OPEN data from a previously saved form
    2. ALT/F/F - USE FORM. Start to use a form
    3. ALT/F/B - Print a blank Form
    4. ALT/F/S - Save form data
5. ALT/F/P - Print form and data
    6. ALT/F/U - Printer setup
    7. ALT/F/M - Fax form, if you already have a fax program
    8. ALT/F/X - Exit program
    b. ALT/E - Open EDIT Category
    1. CTRL/X - Cut
    2. CTRL/C - Copy
    3. CTRL/V - Paste
    4. ALT/E/D - Delete
    5. ALT/E/S - Paste Special
    6. ALT/E/A - Paste Link
    7. ALT/E/F - Copy File
    c. ALT/D - DATA Category
    1. F6     - Copy Field
    2. Ctrl/F6    - Copy Page
    3. Ctrl/A    - Append Record
    4. Ctrl/R     - Delete Record
    5. F3     - Show Choices (such as with a list box)
    6. F4     - Update Choices
    7. ALT/D/S     - Check Spelling
    d. ALT/O - Open OPTIONS Category (these options toggle on
and off)
    1. ALT/O/A - Auto Recalculate
    2. ALT/O/F - Auto Skip to next field
    3. ALT/O/G - Auto skip to next page
    4. ALT/O/C - Auto skip to next record
    5. ALT/O/P - Paths (to make changes to existing program
    e. ALT/P - Open POSITION category
    1. Ctrl/PGDN - Go to next record
    2. Ctrl/PGUP - Go to previous record
    3. Ctrl/F    - Go to first record
    4. Ctrl/L    - Go to last record
    5. Ctrl/G    - Go to record...
    6. Ctrl/O    - Go to page...
    7. ALT/P/I    - Find record...
    8. ALT/P/T    - Go to field...
    9. ALT/P/X    - Go to next page
    10. ALT/P/R    - Go to previous page
    f. ALT/S - Open SIGNATURE category
    1. SPACE BAR - For signatures pressing the Space bar will
allow the user to enter their password, and apply their
    2. ALT/S/C    - Change Signature password
    g. ALT/J - Open JETNOTES category(JetNotes are similar to
sticky notes. The note will stay with the form until the form is
printed, then it will not appear)
    1. ALT/J/A    - Add a sticky note
    2. ALT/J/D    - Delete a sticky note
    3. ALT/J/G    - Go to a sticky note (press TAB once, arrow
up and down to the sticky note that you want to go to, then
press space bar to select, press TAB to OK)
    4. ALT/J/S    - Show JetNotes
    5. ALT/J/O    - Options. Allows adding text to a sticky
note, changing the size of the note, and changing the colors of
the note. This section is graphical in nature.
    h. ALT/M - Open MAIL category (this category is available if
an e-mail system was selected during installation)
    i. ALT/A - Open DATABASE category
    j. ALT/H - Open HELP category
    1. F1    - Help Index
    2. F2    - Field help(if any exists for this field)
    3. ALT/H/O    - Form information (if exists)
    4. ALT/H/E    - Form help (if exists)

For additional clarification, or assistance please contact
FutureForms at (616) 475-1227, or e-mail us at
[log in to unmask] Thank you for trying our products.

.End of readme file

 Electronic Forms with WinVision 97

The following instructions will configure WinVision 97, from
Arctic Technologies, to work with our electronic forms.

       * Open the JetForm Filler program, by selecting
       * Configuring WinVision for the Filler program
         * Press CTRL-M to open the WinVision configuration
           menu dialog box.
         * Select the "Dialog" button. Be sure the
           following are checked: Speak Dialogs, Say
           Button, Active, Smart with Fields
         * Select the "Keys" button. Be sure the following
           are checked: Word Read, Speak Cursor Keys, Speak
           Deleted Character on Backspace.
         * Select the "Speech" button. Be sure the
           following are set: Speech Delay = medium
         * Select the " Review Mouse" button. Be sure the
           following are checked: Full Screen, Mouse
           Tracking, Read Icons, Say Working Ready.
         * Select the " ICONS" button. Be sure the
           following are checked: Ignore Icons, Check
           Global Icons.
         * Select the " Active Accessibility" button. Be
           sure none of the check boxes are marked.
         * Select "Speech Windows" button. The following
           assumes your screen resolution is set to
           640X480. If your resolution is different, please
           contact us and we will assist you with the
           following settings.
           * Speech Windows = 9
           * Left X = 0
           * Top Y = 436
           * Right X = 640
           * Bottom Y = 450
           * Select SAVE, DONE buttons

         * Select "Global Speech Zones" button. The
           following assumes your screen resolution is set
           to 640X480. If your resolution is different,
           please contact us and we will assist you with
           the following settings.
           * Zone Type = Quiet
           * Left X = 0
           * Top Y = 0
           * Right X = 640
           * Bottom Y = 430
           * Select SAVE, NEW buttons
           * Zone Type = Read
           * Left X = 0
           * Top Y = 435
           * Right X = 640
           * Bottom Y = 455
           * Select SAVE, DONE buttons

         * . Go to the "Save Locally" button (Ignore the
           remaining buttons).   Select "Save Locally"
         * . Select DONE button

       * You are now back to the Filler Main Screen. Click
         here to see a summary of commands and keystrokes

             Setting up JetForm Filler with WindowEyes

These settings assume a monitor resolution of 640 by 480, and
are applicable of any version of WindowEyes as of 9/29/98.

1. With JetForm Filler running, whether you have made a set file
or not, press insert-f3, the hot key to select a window.  In the
dialogue box that comes up, type 0 and press the Enter key.

2. Press Insert-F4 to bring up a dialogue box for setting up
window coordinates.  Move through the choices using the Tab key,
and select:

Left: 0
Offset from Left
Top: 0
Offset from Top
Right: 0
Offset from right
Bottom: 430
Offset from Top

Press Enter to complete the window coordinate selection for
Window 1.

3. Press Insert-F7, and select silent as the status by pressing
the up or down arrow to select.  Press Enter to complete the
setup of the window.

4. Press Insert-F3, select Window 1, and press Enter.

5. Press Insert-F4, and use the Tab key to select:

Left: 0
offset from left
Top: 435
Offset from Top
Right: 0
Offset from right
Bottom: 455
Offset from Top

Press Enter to finish coordinate selection.  Press Insert-F7,
and use up and down arrows to select Speak as the status, and
press Enter to complete the Window selection.

6. Press Insert-R, down arrow until you hear "rich edit box",
press ENTER to reclass the data entry area.

7. Save the Window settings by entering the WindowEyes control
panel by pressing Ctrl-backslash.  Press alt-f, down arrow to
Save, press Enter on hearing Set File.

Our sincere appreciation to Mr. Paul Mimms, for these
instructions. Paul's tireless effort in helping us to link the
technology of electronic forms and WindowEyes has been
instrumerntal for us to continue,  to offer products that will
benefit ALL employees.

For Comments, or questions about these instructions, please
e-mail [log in to unmask] .

 Configuration for Jaws 3.X and JetForm Electronic Forms

The following steps will design a frame that will allow the JAWS
3.x program to work with the JetForm electronic forms. If you
have similar instructions for developing JAWS  macros under
Windows 3.x, we will post them as well. Your comments and
information may be e-mailed to [log in to unmask]

This procedure works in JFW 3.0 and JFW 3.2. Since the needed
prompts occur in the same location, designing a frame allows for
automatic reading of those prompts when tabbing through the
various fields. Here are the steps to accomplish this.

You may follow the steps outlined below, or click here to
download a configured frame file set.  After extracting the
files from the fillerx.exe file, copy each of the files to the
JFW32/settings/enu directory path.

     1. Activate the Jaws cursor with the minus key on the
     numeric keypad.

     2. Arrow to the beginning of the information one
     wishes to read.

     3. Place the Jaws cursor on the first character and
     type Control-Shift
     Left Bracket.

     4. Move the Jaws cursor to the last character that you
     wish read.

     5. Type Control-Shift Right Bracket. You have now
     defined the boundary of
     your frame.

     Note that if one types Control-Shift Left Bracket on
     the first character
     twice in rapid succession, JFW will define the frame
     around the entire line
     or Window. It's best to experiment to test out the
     results of your frame.

     6. At this point, JFW brings up a dialogue where you
     complete information
     like naming your frame, providing a description for
     it, etc. I have had
     best results by having JFW echo any information around
     this frame
     automatically. So when I type the tab key, information
     around this frame
     or window is read automatically.

     7. A couple of important points. First, it is easiest
     to modify/change
     your existing frame by bringing up the Frame Manager
     when Jet Form is
     running by typing numpad Insert-9 to initiate the
     Frame Manager. Secondly,
     after defining the frame as described above, move to
     the Position Tab with
     Control-Tab and set the frame "relative to screen." By
     default, JFW
     identifies this field as "relative to window." The
     frame works
     consistently as you move to new records if you set the
     position "relative
     to screen."

     8. Tab to the OK button and press enter.

     9. For an electronic "Quick Start" to the Filler
     Program, click here.

     This actually sounds more complicated than it is, but
     it allows one to read information that would not be
     readable otherwise, and is
     much easier than trying to develop scripts.

     Our thanks to Mr. Les Kriegler for graciously
     supplying these instructions.

     .End of Set up


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