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Peter Verhoeven <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 10:28:55 +0200
text/plain (156 lines)
Hi Janina,

At 18:23 6-10-98 -0400, Janina Sajka wrote:
>Hi, Peter:
>Thank you for your reply. There are only a few points I'd like to stress:
>1.)    We are deeply concerned that web technologies be accessible. We
>demonstrate this concern in several ways. Examples of our efforts for
>accessible web technology include two AFB staff persons who participate as
>full, working members on several task groups in the World Wide Web
>Consortium's Web Access Initiative. To learn more about this look at
The document of the WAI about web accessibility is the one that I always
use to give information to third parties.
There is need of translating this document in other languages?

>2.)    Several of the notes I've seen on this subject from you suggest
>that AFB is responsible for the HTML coding on the Toy Manufacturer's web
>site. As previously indicated, this is not our site, nor is it our web
>work. We have indicated our serious concerns to the Manufacturer's
>Association, and we will continue to insist on proper practices there.
>But, in the end, we can only persuade, we cannot force anything. Please
>understand we do not control their site.
AFB is not responsible for the HTML code on that website, but seems to be
involved.  In my opinion this means that AFB has a special responsibility
to get it accessible. I appriciate the work of the WAI very much. But it
only can work in practice if we give the owner adn designer of inaccessible
websites information about that. Now the website of Toys for Blind and
Visually impaired children seems to be accessible. If I said nothing about
the inaccessible of this website, it was not accessible up to now!

>3.)    I have no notion whether the web address you note in your message
>for the Manufacturer's Association is a good one or not. I can assure you
>the address you note for AFB is not a working AFB address. So, any mail
>send there would not get delivered to anyone at AFB. Of course, I do not
>know how you came to use this particular address. In the future, you might
>want to send to [log in to unmask] -- or to [log in to unmask]
Sorry, I have send it to [log in to unmask] I clicked the e-mail link on the
How you can reach us page of the website. So AFB has got this

Regards Peter Verhoeven
Internet : (The Screen Magnifiers Homepage)

>                               Janina Sajka, Director
>                               Information Systems Department
>                               American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
>[log in to unmask]
>On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Peter Verhoeven wrote:
>> Hi Janina,
>> I send my message once to four listing easi, vicug-l, webwatch-l and
>> lowvis. I send a copy to [log in to unmask] and to [log in to unmask]
>> It is possible that members of these listing forward the message to other
>> listings.
>> Maybe it was better first contact AFB before posting on these lists. If you
>> prefer so let me know?
>> It is not my intention to critisize any organization with my message. I
>> only want to see that websites need to be accessible if any blind
>> organization is involved.
>> On the other hand my message brought up some good idea.
>> A standard message to inform a webmaster or company about the inaccessible
>> of their website seems a good idea to me. Maybe the AFB can make a purpose
>> to several listings for such a message.
>> You could also read critical statements about the AFB.
>> I don't know if these statements are true. But there seems a lot of people
>> having some problems with AFB. I don't know if AFB can do something about
>> it, but it will be gooed to think about it and evaluate. It is best alwas
>> listining to the blind themselves, because they know the best what is good
>> for them.
>> Regards Peter Verhoeven
>> Internet : (The Screen Magnifiers Homepage)
>> At 09:24 5-10-98 -0400, Janina Sajka wrote:
>> >Peter:
>> >
>> >I notice you've been posting this same message for several days now to
>> >many lists. I have not, had a message from you, nor has anyone else at
>> >AFB, as far as I know. I would very much like to know whether you wrote to
>> >anyone at AFB before posting on the lists. For the record, I will include
>> >my response sent out last Friday below. I cannot, however, try to
>> >subscribe to every list you've posted to in order to tell you what I said
>> >when I first saw your posting. Here's what I did send last week:
>> >
>> >
>> >Begin Quoted Message
>> >>From [log in to unmask] Mon Oct  5 09:18:37 1998
>> ><Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 14:38:39 -0400 (EDT)
>> ><From: Janina Sajka <[log in to unmask]>
>> ><To: [log in to unmask]
>> ><Cc: [log in to unmask],
>> ><    [log in to unmask],
>> ><    [log in to unmask],
>> ><    [log in to unmask]
>> ><Subject: Re: webwatch-l Toys for the Blind and visual impaired children
>> ><    inaccessable
>> ><
>> ><Dear Peter:
>> ><
>> ><I have forwarded your note to the staff members of AFB who have worked
>> ><with the Toy Manufacturers of America. I do not know whether or not they
>> ><are aware that the manufacturers have placed this guide online, and have
>> ><not covered all of the issues that should have been covered. I would
>> ><expect, now that this has been pointed out, we will communicate this
>> ><problem to TMA.
>> ><
>> ><You should know that AFB's role with this guide has been the evaluation
>> ><of
>> ><the toys themselves. I believe this is a relationship of quite a few
>> ><years
>> ><now. While this page is not on AFB's web site, our name is certainly
>> ><there, so I know we'll be concerned that the page meet access
>> ><requirments.
>> ><
>> ><Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
>> ><
>> >End of Quoted Message
>> >
>> >
>> >                               Janina Sajka, Director
>> >                               Information Systems Department
>> >                               American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
>> >
>> >[log in to unmask]
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >