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Rob Bartlett <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 21:15:00 -0500
text/plain (139 lines)
the benefits of a concentrated source of nutrients that food alone cannot
provide.  No longer are supplements simply compensation for an inadequate
diet.  Many people are regularly supplementing their diets to ensure an
adequate supply of essential nutrients to maintain basic health.
Supplements help protect against toxins and prevent cell damage.  They are
used to fight disease and combat early aging.  When used in addition to a
healthy diet and regular exercise, supplements can help you reach an optimal
state of health.

Today, many people take supplements to ensure they are getting all the
nutrients they need, whether they are eating well or not.  While blatant
deficiencies like scurvy (lack of vitamin C) or beriberi (lack of vitamin
B1) are rare, mild deficiencies are common and can lead to vague symptoms of
fatigue, lack of initiative, and poor concentration.  Unfortunately, the
usual blood tests are not sensitive enough to show mild nutrient
deficiencies, even when a person does not feel well.

A number of causes contribute to these mild deficiencies.  Erratic eating
habits are one of the most common culprits in today's hectic lifestyle.
Poor digestion inhibits the assimilation of nutrients.  Many people suffer
from poor digestion with only the mildest of symptoms.  Digestion and
assimilation tend to decline with age, causing us to be deficient in many
essential nutrients as a result.

Data compiled by the US Department of Agriculture indicate that at least 40%
of the people in the US routinely consume a diet containing only 60% of the
RDA (recommended daily allowance) of each of ten selected nutrients.  This
means that close to half the population (and very likely more) suffer from a
deficiency of at least one important nutrient.  A poll of 37,000 Americans
conducted by Food Technology found that half of them were deficient in
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), 42% did not consume sufficient amounts of calcium,
39% had an insufficient iron intake, and 25 to 39% did not obtain enough
vitamin C

Processing, cooking and preserving food leads to nutrient depletion.  The
quality of the foods we buy is often poor.  Many fruits and vegetables are
genetically bred to improve yields, to look appealing and to withstand a
long transport.  Taste and nutritional  value are secondary.
Nutrient-depleted soil is also unable to provide fruits and vegetables with
the high amounts of vitamins and minerals they contained in the
pre-industrial age.  It is estimated that the food of primitive societies
contained four times more minerals than modern food.

Food supplements also compensate for individual nutrient requirements.
Pregnant women typically need more folic acid, iron, and other nutrients.
Strict vegetarians often need additional vitamin B12, and possibly calcium,
iron, and zinc.  Older people tend to lack vitamins B6, B12, folic acid and
calcium.  Menopausal women battling osteoporosis need more minerals to
supplement those lost through bone depletion.  Fitness enthusiasts also
require a variety of nutrients to maintain strength and stamina.

Stress has a tremendous impact on the function of the entire body, affecting
heart rate, hormonal output, and metabolism.  As a result, essential
nutrients are used up more quickly than usual.  Environmental pollutants in
our air, water and food also contribute to an accumulation of toxins which
our body must work to eliminate.  Supplements provide adequate essential
nutrients to protect the body against the impact of toxins and help the body
detoxify.  Vitamins C and E particularly are known for their protective
functions.  Studies with these vitamins show they even reduce or counteract
carcinogenic effects of smoking, stress and illness which deplete the body
of vitamin C.  Vitamin E supplies oxygen to the cells, which is vital for
cell function.  In these ways, supplements maintain health and prevent

At least part of the protect effect of vitamins C and E is attributable to
their antioxidant properties.  Antioxidants are substances that protect
cells from damage by free radicals.  Free radicals are highly reactive
molecules capable of damaging cells and tissue.  The antioxidant fight
against free radicals is a continuous one, since free radicals are
continually formed in the body.  Free radicals are increased by injury,
stress, pollution and illness.  Since their discovery, they have been
implicated as major players in many diseases, including heart disease and
cancer.  Free radicals also accelerate the aging process.  The more free
radicals are formed, the more antioxidants are needed to neutralize  them.

Many people supplement with antioxidants.  Sports enthusiasts need more
antioxidants because of their tendency to overexert.  As we age, we require
more antioxidants, and living in polluted environments increases their need
as well.  Beta-carotene and selenium are two example of powerful
antioxidants.  Since no singly antioxidant can destroy all the free radicals
in the body,  using them in combination increases their effectiveness.

Treating illness successfully with supplements can be an empowering
experience.  While high doses of supplements are not recommended for
self-treatment without guidance from a natural health practitioner, there is
a great deal you can do yourself.  For infections and allergies, vitamin C
can work wonders without producing the drowsiness and other side-effects of
many cold or allergy medications.  Many people with multiple sclerosis
benefit from regular supplementation with evening primrose oil.  Taking
vitamin B6 one or two weeks before PMS starts will alleviate symptoms of
women.  The list goes on.  It takes time of the body to heal itself, but
changes to a healthier lifestyle and using nutritional supplements will
produce results in a natural way.

In addition to maintaining proper nutrition and getting regular exercise,
many people take supplements to attain an optimal state of health.  By
ensuring adequate levels of nutrients, many people feel better, have more
energy and cope better with everyday stress.  Others find they battle fewer
infections and many nagging health problems have improved.  Athletes use
supplements to reach their peak performance levels.  Provide your body with
what it needs, and it will provide you with energy, health and longevity.

All nutrients work synergistically.  This means that there is a cooperative
action between certain vitamins and minerals, which work as catalysts,
promoting the absorption and assimilation of other vitamins and minerals.
Iron, for example, is better assimilated when taken with vitamin C and apart
from vitamin E.  Likewise, calcium cannot be absorbed without the presence
of vitamin D and in balance with magnesium.  Taking zinc supplements
regularly can deplete copper in the body so trace amounts of copper are
often recommended.

Correcting a deficiency in one vitamin or mineral requires the addition of
others, not simply replacement of the one in which  you are deficient.  This
is why taking a single vitamin or mineral may be ineffective, or even
dangerous, and why a balanced vitamin and mineral supplement should always
be taken in addition to any single supplements.

As a general rule, most supplements should be taken with food to improve
absorption.  However, in unique cases, they should be taken apart from
meals.  Enzymes such as bromelain, used as an anti-inflammatory,must be
taken between meals otherwise its enzymatic effect is used up during the
digestive process.

Balch, James and Phyllis (1997). Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 2nd

Rona, Zolton [Medical editor] (1997). Encyclopedia of Natural Healing
