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Rob Bartlett <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 8 Feb 2003 15:14:14 -0500
text/plain (38 lines)
 >Audette favors raw veggies whenever possible; Voegtlin counsels against
them, arguing that human digestion >is essentially carnivorous...

Raw vegetables are good for you but it is better to eat the softer things
raw, such as lead lettuce, spinach, avocados, sprouts, and tomatoes.  The
coarser, scratchy vegetables such as celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and root
vegetables are better juiced if you want them raw, or steamed or otherwise
cooked until softened so that their fiber is less irritating to the
ileocecal  valve.

The ileocecal  valve connects the lower part of the small intestine to the
beginning of the large intestine.  An irritated and malfunctioning ileocecal
valve can, according to Matsen (Eating Alive), dump large quantities of
toxins into the
blood.  Matsen find problems with this valve in half the patients he treats.

The problem is that coarser fibers function more as an intestinal rake,
irritating the ileocecal  valve and thus greatly increasing the quantities
of toxins in the blood.

The earlier stages of ileocecal  valve problems may not show any signs or
symptoms, but as the valve becomes increasingly sensitized a number of
things may appear.  Probably the most indicative is irregular bowel
movements.  Every stool may be different.  There may be constipation and/or

Some of the other indications are tenderness in the lower right abdomen in
the area also associated with appendicitis, a sense of fullness after eating
small amounts, bloating and gas.  Many of these symptoms may be obviously
worse after eating high-fiber foods such as bran or raw vegetables, or
irritating spices.

To correct an ileocecal  valve problem  avoid scratchy fiber, excessive
spice, and food sensitivities, especially coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar,
white flour, tobacco, and alcohol.
