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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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Sat, 3 Feb 2001 08:48:56 -0500
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*               Today in Black History - February 3             *

1810 - The Argentine national hero from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Antonio
        Ruiz (El Negro Falucho), joins the ancestors, fighting for his

1855 - The Wisconsin Supreme Court declares that the United States Fugitive
        Slave Law is unconstitutional.

1874 - Blanche Kelso Bruce is elected to the United States Senate from
        Mississippi.  He will be the first African American senator to
        serve a full term and the first to preside over the Senate
        during a debate.

1879 - Charles Follis is born.  He will become the first African American
        professional football player in the United States.  He will play
        for a professional team known as the Shelby Blues, in Shelby,

1935 - Johnny "Guitar" Watson is born in Houston. Texas.  He will
        become a guitarist and singer known for his wild style of
        guitar playing and the sound which merged Blues Music with
        touches of Rhythm & Blues and Funk.

1938 - Emile Griffith is born in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.  He will
        move to New York City as a young man and discover boxing.  He
        will win the Golden Gloves title and turn professional in 1958.
        In his career, he will meet 10 world champions and box 339
        title-fight rounds, more than any other fighter in history.
        He will be elected to the International Boxing Hall of Fame
        with the distinction of being the third fighter in history to
        hold both the welterweight and middleweight titles.

1938 - Elijah Pitts is born.  He will become a professional football
        player with the Green Bay Packers.  A major contributor as a
        running back, he will help his team win Super Bowl I.  He will
        return to the Super Bowl thirty years later as a running back
        coach with the Buffalo Bills.

1939 - The Baltimore Museum of Art exhibit, "Contemporary Negro Art",
        opens.  The exhibit, which will run for 16 days, will feature
        works by Richmond Barthe, Aaron Douglas, Archibald Motley, Jr.,
        and Jacob Lawrence's Toussaint L'Ouverture series.

1947 - Percival Prattis of "Our World" in New York City, becomes the
        first African American news correspondent admitted to the House
        and Senate press galleries in Washington, DC.

1948 - Laura Wheeler Waring, portrait painter and illustrator, joins
        the ancestors.  Trained at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine
        Arts, she received the Harmon Award in 1927 for achievement in
        the fine arts and, with Betsey Graves Reyneau, completed a set
        of 24 renderings of their works entitled "Portraits of
        Outstanding Americans of Negro Origins" for the Harmon
        Foundation in the 1940's.

1948 - Rosa Ingram and her fourteen-and sixteen-year-old sons are
        condemned to death for the alleged murder of a white Georgian.
        Mrs. Ingram states that she acted in self-defense.

1964 - School officials report that 464,000 Black and Puerto Rican
        students boycotted New York City public schools.

1980 - Muhammad Ali starts tour of Africa as President Jimmy Carter's

1981 - The Air Force Academy drops its ban on applicants with sickle-
        cell trait.  The ban was considered by many a means of
        discriminating against African Americans.

1984 - A sellout crowd of 18,210 at Madison Square Garden in New York
        City sees Carl Lewis best his own world record in the long jump
        by 9-1/4 inches.

1989 - Former St. Louis Cardinals' first baseman, Bill White becomes the
        first African American to head an American professional sports
        league when he was named to succeed A. Bartlett Giamatti as
        National League president.

1993 - The federal trial of four police officers charged with civil
        rights violations in the videotaped beating of Rodney King,
        began in Los Angeles.

1993 - Marge Schott is suspended as Cincinnati Reds owner for one year
        for her repeated use of racial and ethnic slurs.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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