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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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Sun, 7 Mar 1999 21:32:11 -0500
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*               Today in Black History - February 19               *

1919 - The first Pan-African Congress, organized by W.E.B. Dubois,
        opens in Paris.  Fifty-seven delegates from 16 countries and
        colonies will meet for three days and declare "The natives of
        Africa must be allowed to participate in the government as
        fast as their development permits."  Blaise Diagne of Senegal
        is elected president and Du Bois is named secretary.

1940 - William "Smokey" Robinson is born in Detroit, Michigan.  As part
        of the Motown group "The Miracles" and in his solo career,
        Robinson will be an enduring Rhythm and Blues and pop performer.
        He will also become a Vice-President of Motown Records.

1959 - Gabon adopts its constitution.

1987 - Rioting erupts in Tampa, Florida, after a young African American
        man dies from a police chokehold.

1992 - John Singleton is nominated for two Academy Awards for best
        director and best screenplay for his first film, "Boyz N the
        Hood."  Singleton is the first African-American director ever
        to be nominated for the Academy Award.

1999 - President Bill Clinton posthumously pardons Henry O. Flipper.
        Flipper was the first African American to graduate from the U.S.
        Military Academy at West Point.  Flipper was acquitted on charges
        of embezzlement of commissary funds, but was found guilty of
        "conduct unbecoming an officer" for lying to investigators.  He
        received a dishonorable discharge in 1882.  He had been a victim
        of racism from the time he went to West Point to the time he was
        railroaded out of the military.  Mr. Flipper died in 1940 at the
        age of 84.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
   	          "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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