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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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Sun, 22 Aug 2004 11:47:42 -0400
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*                   Today in Black History - August 22             *

1788 - The British settlement in Sierra Leone is founded to provide
        a home in Africa for freed slaves and homeless Africans from

1791 - The Haitian Revolution begins with revolt of slaves in the
        northern province.

1791 - Mathematician Benjamin Banneker serves on commission which
        will survey the District of Columbia.

1843 - Henry Highland Garnet issues a call for slave revolt in "An
        Address to Slaves of the United States" before a national
        convention of African Americans in Buffalo, New York.

1867 - Fisk University is established in Nashville, Tennessee.

1917 - John Lee Hooker, who will become a renowned blues singer
        and guitarist, is born in Clarksdale, Mississippi.

1950 - Althea Gibson becomes the first African American competitor
        in national tennis competition.

1951 - The Harlem Globetrotters play in Olympic Stadium, Berlin,
        Germany before 75,052 non-paying spectators.  This is the
        largest crowd to witness a basketball game (up to that time).

1978 - Jomo Kenyatta (original name KAMAU NGENGI), president of Kenya,
        joins the ancestors after succumbing to heart failure in his
        sleep while vacationing in Mobasa, Kenya at the age of 83.  He
        was the leading force in Kenya's independence struggles.

1979 - 200 African American leaders meet in New York City in support
        of Andrew Young (after he had resigned as U.N. ambassador
        under pressure for "unauthorized" meeting with the PLO) and
        demand that African Americans be given a voice in shaping
        American foreign policy.

1984 - Evelyn Ashford of the United States ties the world women's mark
        for the 100 meters (10.76 seconds).

1984 - New York Mets pitcher Dwight Gooden becomes the 11th rookie to
        strikeout 200 batters.

1989 - Huey Percy Newton joins the ancestors in Oakland, California.  The
        founder of the Black Panther Party is shot to death outside a
        crack cocaine house, allegedly by a drug dealer whom Newton had
        robbed (Gunman Tyrone Robinson will sentenced later to 32 years
        to life in prison).

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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