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Sat, 23 Aug 2003 07:13:54 -0400
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*                    Today in Black History - August 23               *

1826 - Edward A. Jones receives his B.A. degree from Amherst College.
        John Brown Russwurm is considered to be the first African
        American in America to graduate from college.  Two years after
        entering Bowdoin College, he receives his baccalaureate degree
        on September 6, 1826.  Edward A. Jones, the lesser known of the
        two, graduates just two weeks prior on this date in 1826 from
        Amherst College. Both men will receive their Masters Degrees,
        John in 1829 and Edward in 1830.

1833 - Great Britain frees 700,000 slaves in its colonies.

1892 - O.E. Brown, inventor, receives a patent for a horseshoe.

1900 - The National Negro Business League is formed in Boston,
        Massachusetts.  Sponsored by Booker T. Washington, the
        organization is established to stimulate the development of
        African American businesses.

1908 - Fifty-two nurses, led by Martha M. Franklin, form the National
        Association of Colored Graduate Nurses.

1917 - A riot occurs in Houston, Texas, when the 24th Infantry seeks
        revenge on the city's white police after the brutal beating
        of two of the regiment's soldiers.  After two hours of
        violence, 15 whites, including four policemen, will be killed
        and 12 more are injured.  Four soldiers will die as a result
        of the violence.  One hundred and eighteen soldiers will be
        charged in connection with the riots and 19 executed, most in
        almost total secrecy, in one of the most infamous court-
        martials ever involving African Americans.

1989 - An African American teenager named Yusef Hawkins is chased and
        beaten to death by a mob of 30 white youths from the neighborhood
        of Bensonhurst in Brooklyn, New York.  The only provocation is that
        he is African American in an all-white neighborhood.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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