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The fundamentally unclean listserv <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 13:57:47 EST
text/plain (32 lines)
Little Mary who just turned 3; (thats with 3 fingers )held high
blew by the Christmas tree this morning on a horse stick this morning
hollering "Whoa  Cowboy " and "EEEHa" wearing half pajama and half ballerina
costume with a tiara from wall mart.
"T'nite is Kwis-mas" she sings triumphfully
and scampers off  in gallop with the dog in tow
 who is quick to keep abreast  of the busy little bare feet that stampede
from room to room  rounding up dollys and various furry bears  to cradle  and
have imaginary conversations  with
"Now you Bee good ..Santa is coming " she wags a finger; then hugs her Dolly.

Tracking "peanut " as she moves from room to room is not unlike sonar and
submarine warfare.Certain thumps and squeals mean one thing; unabated chatter
another ; its when things go quiet that make adult feet move in a unholy
quest for mischief. and truth.

With the tree barely  up ;and the stockings all a glitter  the wee one is on
a mantra for Santa;
She has  already  ferreted out our best hiding spots;
and knocked the tree over deciding her  Snow White ornament looked better up
I can barely keep up, as Ma-ma has me secretly putting together a play Vanity
that needs an rocket engineer and...
 .....Man ....those cookies and milk are looking better by the hour...
.Merry Christmas  .....  Love Michael Bee and Mary

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