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Fri, 21 Feb 2003 22:12:53 +0000
Frances Ross <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
 >From:    Phosphor <[log in to unmask]>
 >Subject: Re: supplements
 >are u saying calcium from food is natural, but from ash/bones/dolomite is
 >are u saying calcium from dolomite will build up in your body, but calcium
 >from kale will not?

To the list moderators I am sorry if you think I am off topic. I'll try to
remain on topic from now on, after responding to this.

Too much calcium from any source will build up. I'm sure that in some
respcects elimination of dairy has helped me in this direction. Of course we
need calcium but it has to be in ratio with Mg and when this gets upset then
you have got problems. A paleo diet will keep this in balance. Some calciums
(and Magnesiums etc) from non -food sources can not be metabolised by the
body. This is why scientists chelate them. This is definately not natural, and
certainly not paleo. The whole plant source is preferrable because the plant
has chelated them into a form we can digest, with all the oher necessary
constituents to metabolise it. Do searches on google, but not to commercial
sites as all they want to do is sell their product. And if they say it is
natural they are on to a winner.
 >>Therefore minerals and vitamins that used to be effective a >few months ago
 >become ineffective in our system and no >longer respond in the same positive
 >way they did prior to the >tolerance build up.
 >can you provide any references to studies which support this claim?

I haven't got any references off hand but have read it during my ongoing
research on many ocasions. But think of it this way. If you take opium from
the opium poppy (?paleo) this will fill the endorphine receptor in your brain.
Your body will get used to you providing it and stop producing your own
endorphins. That is why when addicts stop using it they get withdrawels. The
body is not producing any and you get really sick.
