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Sun, 16 Feb 2003 10:10:01 -0700
Jeff Keller <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
From: "Marilyn Harris"

 > I was at my doctor's Friday and was given my results (I got a photocopy of
 > them). My cholesterol LDL levels are unfortunately too high although not bad
 > enough to have to take drugs or anything. He suggested that I drink skim
 > milk instead of the 1 an 2 percent that I have been consuming lately but
 > didn't want me to reduce eggs too much as he thinks they are very good

You need to read "The Cholesterol Myth" Uffe Ravnskov,MD.  After my dad had
a heart attack they put him on the cholesterol meds (at the behest of the
pharmaceutical company that makes billions on these drugs) and he became
very ill.  His cholesterol was 220@ age 70, mine as paleo is 215 ish @42.
He did some research and then took himself off the meds.  He is back to
normal now, but we have all learned allot.

1. there is very little point in even having cholesterol routinely checked
since all the studies ignored by the pharmaceutical companies show
conflicting results with the study results they use to promote cholesterol

2. homocystine, c-reactive, ferritin, iron and other tests are far more
predictive of arteriosclerosis than cholesterol.

3. milk of any kind- I would not touch the stuff unless raw and on rare
occasion similar to paleo people taking down a nursing animal.

4. Our family all now avoid polyunsaturated fats to the extent possible
since much of the buried research indicates it is one of the pivotal items
in the development of arteriosclerosis, cancer and rapid ageing.

It is very similar to the Sun = Melanoma myth. "they will not answer the
question(I have asked ) on why most melanomas show up, not on your face
which is always exposed but on places that never see the sun.

There are exceptions to everything but I always look with a jaundice eye at
any treatment that can have $ attached.
