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Fri, 14 Feb 2003 19:36:20 -0500
William Schnell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
 >Never heard of this, can your expand on it a little?

It's like this - in order to have paleo quality
health we must have food as close as possible to paleo quality,
but we also need the gut bacteria which
transforms at least some of this foodstuff to a form which is absorbable.
The result should be paleo nutrition.
  Diet is what we eat, nutrition is what we get
from that diet, and there are persuasive IMHO reports of remakable
improvements in health after taking EM-1, I
assume that means the nutritional quality has improved.
  We are made like inside-out plants, in that
where plants have their roots in the earth which either has healthy
microbes to make nutrients available to the plant
or fertiliser must be applied.
Our roots extend inside from the wall of the gut
(vili?), and instead of calling it fertiliser, we call them
supplements. This is not working well enough for many people.

On another list there s the account of someone
who watched cable tv, and saw the story of a woman in (Latvia?
Lithuania?) who has eaten 3kg of dirt for years.
She did it on camera. So now we know - can get necessary
microbes from the edge of a Baltic forest. ;-)
